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2018 FLOW/INTERFACE Autumn School in Rheology

For basic information about the School, please see the brochure here (pdf 443 kB)

The lectures will be given in the KTH main campus in the seminar room Faxén (2nd floor), Fluid Physics Lab., Teknikringen 8 (see this map  which is for Vehicle Engineering Department, which is in the same building). Signs on the doors will guide you towards the seminar room.

Regarding the accommodation for course participants, one can choose a hotel ( ) which is not too far and not too expensive. In the same time the subway system in Stockholm works perfect and you can reach the campus within 30 minutes from any place in the city. Please see the link below on how to reach the KTH campus:

The School dinner will be held on Wednesday 24th (at 19) in Beirut Café, Engelbrektsgatan 37.
Please indicate your attendance on the dinner by e-mail by Monday 22nd at the latest.

Preliminary schedule:

Monday 22nd October
Lecturers: M. Villone, Univ. of Naples, and F. Innings, Tetra-Pak & Lund U.
Theme: Introduction and applications of rheology

10:00-10:05 Welcome
10:05-11:45 Introduction to rheology - M. Villone
12:00-13:00 Lunch Quantum restaurang
13:30-15:00 Applications of rheology - F. Innings
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:30 F. Innings cont.

Tuesday 23rd October
Lecturer: C. Aidun, Georgia Tech
Theme: The complex rheological nature of blood flow and consequences on cardiovascular diseases

9:00-10:15 Suspension Rheology of solid particles and deformable capsule
10:15-10:35  Coffee break
10:35-11:45 Rheology and particle margination in cellular blood flow
12:00-13:00 Lunch Quantum restaurang
13:30-14:00 Fluid mechanics of shear-induced-platelet-aggregation (SIPA) in blood flow
14:00-15:00 Hands-on: Explore ideas to delay or prevent SIPA
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:00 Team presentation of ideas ...
16:00-16:30 A proposed method to delay SIPA

Wednesday 24th October
Lecturer: S. Hormozi, U. of Ohio
Theme: Dense suspensions, particles and plasticity

9:00-10:15 Rheology of dense suspensions: Non-Brownian particles in Newtonian fluids
10:15-10:35 Coffee break
10:35-11:45 Rheology of dense suspensions: Non-Brownian particles in complex fluids
12:00-13:00 Lunch Quantum restaurang
13:30-15:00 Introduction to shear thickening suspensions
  Rheology of suspensions of non-Brownian particles in a shear thickening matrix
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:30 Shear induced inhomogeneities in dense suspensions
19:00 School dinner at Beirut Café

Thursday 25th October
Lecturer: G. McKinley, MIT

Theme: Viscoelastic flows
9:00-10:15 Linear Viscoelasticity: Basic Phenomena and Models
10:15-10:35 Coffee break
10:35-11:45 Linear Viscoelasticity: Microstuctural Basis of Linear Viscoelasticity
12:00-13:00 Lunch Quantum restaurang
13:30-15:00 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity: Extensional Rheology from the Melt to Dilute Solutions
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:30 Nonlinear Viscoelasticity: Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (LAOS) Flows

Friday 26th October
Lecturer: E. Koos, KU Leuven
Theme: Colloidal suspensions

9:00-10:15 Colloidal suspensions - E. Koos, KU Leuven
10:15-10:35 Coffee break
10:35-11:45 E. Koos cont.
12:00-13:00 Lunch Quantum restaurang
13:30-15:00 E. Koos cont.
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:30 E. Koos cont.
16:30-16:45 Summary and closing