FLOW Summer School on “Advancements in assessment of high temperature flows”
Fluid dynamics has a tremendous impact today on aviation, aerospace, energy conversion, and power production industries. It is an enabling discipline used to develop efficient industrial processes and contributing to generating a sustainable environment. It is well known that the ability to measure, model and predict fluid flows is vitally important for facilitating innovation of processes and technologies associated with highly efficient energy conversion and power production systems. The purpose with this Summer School is to create a forum for interaction between doctoral students, scientists and fluid dynamics experts with expertise in energy conversion and propulsion technologies, to discuss and analyze the state-of-the-art and beyond state-of-the-art computational and experimental methods used for assessing fluid flows within this context and their capabilities in quantifying fluid flow dynamics and associated processes. The FLOW Summer School is aimed to provide - from the perspective of physical laws governing fluid flows - the latest developments in measuring and predicting non-reacting and reacting, high-temperature flows.
Topics to be covered
The Summer FLOW School is intended to cover the following topics: State-of-the-art experiments in reactive and high-temperature flows; Simulations and modelling of turbulent reacting flows; Low emission combustors; Aeroacoustics and thermoacoustic problems in propulsion and energy conversion systems; Prediction and control of instabilities.
Tuesday (04/07)
09.00: Getting together, Mingle & Coffee
09.15-09.30: Prof. Mihai Mihaescu: Welcome, organisation of the school, administration.
09.30-12.00: Prof. Simone Hochgreb: Measurement techniques for combustion and high- temperature flows (I)
12.00-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-16.00: Prof. Simone Hochgreb: Measurement techniques for combustion and high- temperature flows (II)
Wednesday (05/07)
09.00: Mingle & Coffee
09.15-12.00 Prof. Ephrahim Gutmark: Pressure Gain Combustion-fundamentals and practice (I)
12:00-13.30: Lunch break
13:30-16.00 Prof. Ephrahim Gutmark: Pressure Gain Combustion-fundamentals and practice (II)
16.00-16.15: Break
16.15-17.00: Assoc. Prof. Michael Liverts: Generation of extreme conditions in fluids by shock wave focusing
Thursday (06/07)
09.00: Mingle & Coffee
09.15-12.00: Prof. Aimee Morgans: Combustor thermoacoustics in propulsion and energy conversion systems (I)
12:00-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-16.00: Prof. Aimee Morgans: Combustor thermoacoustics in propulsion and energy conversion systems (II)
16.00-16.15: Break
16.15-17.00: Prof. Mihai Mihaescu: Aeroacoustics of Supersonic Jets related to propulsion applications
Friday (07/07)
09.00: Mingle & Coffee
09.15-12.00: Prof. Christer Fureby: Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent reacting flows (I)
12:00-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-16.00: Prof. Christer Fureby: Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent reacting flows (II)
Administrative details and Registration
Lectures will be given July 4th to July 7th, 2023, in the seminar room of KTH, Department of Engineering Mechanics (room Faxén, Teknikringen 8) located on the KTH main campus, close to the city centre of Stockholm. FLOW will provide lunches to the registered participants. Upon request, a project can be performed by pairs of students and sent electronically to the school organizers for the final evaluation, worth 3.5 ECTS points. Interested PhD students are invited to contact the organizers for additional information.
For registration, please use the link below:
Organizer and contact information
Prof. Mihai Mihaescu, mihaescu@kth.se
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Engineering Sciences (SCI)
Osquars Backe 18,
SE-100 44 Stockholm