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Nek5000 2020 Users Meeting

CANCELLED: Users Meeting April 21-23, 2020, at KTH in Stockholm

Dear colleagues,

As you probably all expected, under the current circumstances it is now clear that the Nek5000 Users Meeting cannot be held as planned. Therefore, we will now officially cancel the meeting. We are of course very sad about this decision, but we are sure you understand this decision.

We have not decided yet on when and where the next Nek5000 Users meeting will be; we will probably announce that during Autumn.

Best regards,

Paul Fischer, UIUC
Philipp Schlatter, KTH Stockholm.


The Nek5000 Users Meeting 2020 will take place at KTH Royal Institute of Technology  in Stockholm (Sweden), April 21-23, 2020. The venue will be on KTH main campus . We start with a reception on April 21, followed by developer and user sessions on April 22 and 23, aiming to close in the afternoon of April 23. A conference dinner (own cost) will be organised in the evening of April 22.

In order to plan for the event, we ask you to fill in the preliminary registration form  until January 31, 2020. We plan to not have a registration fee for the event.


Tuesday April 21: Reception at PDC  in the SeRC Room  17-19

Wednesday April 22: Room Salongen  9-17. Followed by conference dinner.

Thursday April 23: Room D3  9-12, room E3  13-17

The programme will be published shortly.


We recommend that you use e.g. or for finding a suitable room in Stockholm. The workshop will be held in the main campus, subway stop Tekniska Högskola  and therefore easily reached from all main areas of the city. Probably the most entertaining areas are Gamla Stan and Södermalm (about 15 minutes by subway). The hotel closest to KTH is Hotel Arcadia  (5 min walking from the main campus).

Questions and contact

In case of questions or comments, please contact Philipp Schlatter  ( email ).

This page will be updated soon with more information.