FLOW Annual Meeting 2020
Time: Thu 2020-01-09 12.00 - Fri 2020-01-10
Location: Villa Lovik, Lidingö
January 9
10:45 Bus from KTH main entrance
11:30 Lunch
12:45 Welcome and brief report
Lisa Prahl Wittberg & Philipp Schlatter, Eng. Mech., KTH
13:15 Invited talk:
Laboratory investigations of wind turbine aerodynamics at field conditions
Marcus Hultmark, Princeton Univ., USA
13:45 Technical presentation:
How turbulence, drops and particles interact with rough, porous and slippery surfaces
Seyed Khorasani, Sofia Saoncella, Johan Sundin, Ugis Lacis, Simon Pasche and Shervin Bagheri, Eng. Mech., KTH
14:45 Coffee break + Check in
15:15 Technical presentation:
Overview of MWL activities
Susann Boij, Huina Mao, Stefan Sack and Elias Zea, Eng. Mech., KTH
16:15 Invited talk:
Rolling noise in road and rail transportation systems
Ines Lopez Arteaga, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, Netherlands
16:45 Break
17:00 Student+Senior activity
17:45 Mingle
19:30 Dinner
January 10
09:00 Linné FLOW Centre Lecture 2020:
Mixing enhancement
Peter Schmid, Imperial College.
10:00 Invited talk:
Estimating large-scale-motions from remote sensors
Stefano Discetti, Universidad Carlos III Madrid
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Invited talk:
Wake analysis of a vehicle with tapered rear extensions under yaw conditions
Simone Sebben, Chalmers
11:20 Technical presentation:
Missing link in the transition of rotating-cone boundary-layer flows
Kentaro Kato, Eng. Mech., KTH
11:40 Technical presentation:
Coherent structures in turbulence
Marco Atzori, Eng. Mech., KTH
12:00 Closing discussions
12:30 Lunch