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Direct Numerical Simulations of bedload transport with non-spherical particles

Time: Fri 2022-03-25 10.30 - 11.30

Video link: FLOW e-Seminar

Participating: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jochen Fröhlich (TU Dresden)

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The transport of particles by a fluid flowing over a bottom bed is an important process in natural water bodies, such as sediment transport in rivers, but also in process technology. Over the last years Direct Numerical Simulations have contributed to a deeper understanding of the intricate coupling between the turbulent flow over such propagating roughness and the motion of the particles themselves. These studies, however, have practically all been conducted with spherical particles.

The talk will first highlight the different complications introduced by non-spherical particles and describe appropriate sub-models. The resulting method is then used to investigate the impact of the particle shape on the properties of the flow and the formation of particle structures. The highly resolved data provide important insight into the physics of such flows.