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Riblets drag reduction and rough-wall heat transfer according to minimal channels

Time: Thu 2022-05-19 10.30

Location: Faxén, Teknikringen 8

Participating: Daniel Chung (Univ. of Melbourne)

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Minimal-channel direct numerical simulations are enabling us to advance beyond the current boundaries of where we stand on rough-wall turbulence. Because minimal channels resolve only the near-wall turbulence, they are computationally efficient and thus allow us to probe unprecedented flow regimes and numbers of surfaces that alter drag and heat transfer. With these large data sets, we can assess flow mechanisms generally towards developing robust predictive models. Here, I will discuss the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability that can limit the drag-reduction performance of riblets and our efforts to replicate the Dipprey and Sabersky (1963) data that is widely used to calibrate heat and mass transfer models in the fully rough regime.