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Research visit program

TRANSEP Research program in Stability, Transition and Control, KTH

Time: September 4-15, 2018

Location: KTH, Osquars Backe 18, 4th floor

The research programme is organised within the framework of Prof. Henningson’s ERC Advanced Grant ( Flow physics and interaction of laminar-turbulent transition and flow separation studied by direct numerical simulations, TRANSEP).

The programme, in addition to the project works, includes a number of talks. The speakers and topics of talks will be decided during the course of programme. The preliminary time and location of programme can be found on bottom of this page.

Local organizers:

  • Dan Henningson
  • Ardeshir Hanifi
  • Philipp Schlatter

Invited researchers:

Name At workshop
Alfredo Pinelli June 6 - June 15
André Cavalieri June 4 - June 15
Bruno Eckhardt June 5 - June 13
Carlo Cossu June 4 - June 15
Daniel Bodony June 10 - June 15
Flavio Silvestre June 4 - June 15
Jan Pralits June 4 - June 9
Jens Nørkær Sørensen June 11 - June 14
Mohammad Omidyeganeh June 4 - June 15
Ononfrio Semeraro June 4 - June 15
Peter Schmid June 4 - June 15
Vassilis Theofilis June 5 - June 15
Yohann Duguet June 4 - June 15


Date Time Location Speaker Title
2018-06-05 10:00-11:00 E53 Carlo Cossu On the nature of large scale structures in wall bounded turbulent flows.
2018-06-07 15:00-16:00 E53 Peter Schmid A smorgasbord of methods for complex flows analysis
2018-06-08 10:15-12:00 F3  Clio Saglietti On optimization of natural convection flows
2018-06-11 10:00-11:00 E53 Alfredo Pinelli & Mohammad Omidyeganeh Turbulent flows over filamentous walls.
2018-06-11 14:00-16:00 E53 Yohann Duguet Nonlinear low-order models of subcritical shear flow transition
2018-06-12 10:00-11:00 E53 Bruno Eckhardt Quasilinear approximation and boundary layers
2018-06-13 10:00-11:00 E53 Jens Sørensen Dynamics and instabilities of helical vortices
2018-06-14 13:00-13:45 E53 Dan Bodony Jet Noise Reduction and Very-Low-Frequency Global Modes
" 13:45-14:30 " André Cavalieri Coherent structures and sound generation in turbulent jets
" 14:45-15:30 " Outi Tammisola Second-order sensitivity: spanwise-nonuniform control of planar wakes and symmetry-breaking in stenotic flow
" 15:30-16:15 " Philipp Schlatter Simulations of Turbulence Around Wings
2018-06-15 10:15-12:00 F2 Jacopo Canton Of pipes and bends
2018-06-15 15:00-17:00 E53 Summary of workshop TBA