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Evaporation of turbulent dilute sprays: physics, modeling and applications

Tid: To 2021-09-16 kl 10.30 - 11.30

Plats: FLOW eSeminar (Zoom)

Medverkande: Francesco Picano (University of Padua)

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Abstract. Evaporation of turbulent dilute sprays is often found in several applications ranging from combustion chambers to respiratory flows. Turbulent evaporation is a multi scale process where the dispersed liquid phase and the carrier gaseous flow are mutually coupled making the dynamics chaotic and non-linear. The physics of the phenomenon will be examined using Direct-Numerical-Simulation data, showing how crucial are droplet segregation, ambient fluid entrainment and the local droplet/gas energy exchange on the overall dynamics. The accuracy of low- and high-fidelity models (e.g. D-square law, LES) will be discussed highlighting strengthens and weaknesses as well as possible strategies to improve their predictions. Eventually, applications to respiratory flows will be presented in order to analyze the dynamics of intense events such as sneezes.