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Revolutionary turbines based on flow control

Tid: To 2023-05-25 kl 15.15 - 16.15

Plats: Faxén, Teknikringen 8

Medverkande: Prof. Guillermo Paniagua-Perez (Purdue University)

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Abstract: The Purdue Experimental Turbine AeroThermal Lab researches multiple propulsion and power generation systems. This lecture will present developments in high-speed turbines. At the most fundamental level, our research team investigates flow detachment, unstarting and choking of the flow passages, and the control of flow instabilities. We will review subsonic, supersonic axial, radial, and mixed-flow turbine advances. Ensuring unchoking in the turbine passages during the entire operational envelope is essential. Shock-wave interactions are the primary loss contributor in supersonic conditions and play a significant role in flow detachment. We will share design recommendations and our experience with flow control for each type of turbine.