Francesco Fiusco, September 2021
Hemodynamics of artificial devices used in extracorporeal life support
Aidan Rinehart, March 2021
Numerical and experimental investigations of fluid-surface interaction
Giandomenico Lupo, Dec. 2017
Detailed simulations of droplet evaporation
Erik Boström, Dec. 2017
Boundary Conditions for Spectral Simulations of Atmospheric Boundary Layers
Prabal Singh Negi, Dec. 2017
Boundary Layers over Wing Sections
Nicolas Offermans, Dec. 2017
Towards adaptive mesh refinement in Nek5000
Elektra Kleusberg, June 2017
Wind turbine simulations using spectral elements
Lukas Schickhofer, April 2017
Sound Generation and Propagation in the Human Upper Airways
Marcus Winroth, March 2017
On Gas Dynamics of Exhaust Valves
Shyang Maw Lim, Jan. 2017
Flow and heat transfer in a turbocharger radial turbine
Jacopo Canton, October 2016
Numerical studies on flows with secondary motion
Alexandra Bobke, May 2016
Simulations of turbulent boundary layers with suction and pressure gradients
Elias Sundström, April 2016
Centrifugal compressor flow instabilities at low mass flow rate
Walter Fornari, December 2015
Suspensions of finite-size rigid spheres in different flow cases
Mattias Brynjell-Rahkola, October 2015
Global stability analysis of three-dimensional boundary layer flows
Ramin Imani Jajarmi, May 2015
Acoustic separation of submicron particles in gaseous flows
Ugis Lacis, January 2015
Nature-inspired passive flow control using various coatings and appendages
Julie Vernet, December 2014
Plasma actuators for separation control - design and application
Fabbiane Nicolò, October 2014
Adaptive and model-based control in laminar boundary-layer flows
Ellinor Appelquist, September 2014
Direct numerical simulations of the rotating-disk boundary-layer flow
Cai-Juan Zhan, June 2014
On the behavior of motile microbes in Fluid Flow
Tomas Rosén, April 2014
The influence of inertia on the rotational dynamics of spheroidal particles suspended in shear flow
Renzo Trip, March 2014
An experimental study on the wake behind a rectangular forebody with variable inlet conditions
Azad Noorani, March 2014
Lagrangian Particles in Turbulence and Complex Geometries
Taras Khapko, February 2014
Transition to turbulence in the asymptotic suction boundary layer
Sohrab S. Sattarzadeh, January 2014
Attenuation of boundary layer disturbances by means of streamwise vortices
Chenyang Weng, October 2013
Modeling of sound-turbulence interaction in low-Mach-number duct flows
Anna Färm, September 2013
Analysis of Acoustic Absorption with Extended Liner Reaction and Grazing Flow
Marit Berger, September 2013
Modelling the early to mid-Holocene Arctic climate
Martin Söder, August 2013
Numerical Investigation of Internal Combustion Engine Related Flows
Johan Fjällman, June 2013
Unsteady simulations of the turbulent flow in the exhaust system of an IC-engine for optimal energy utilization
Werner Lazeroms, June 2013
Explicit algebraic turbulence modelling in buoyancy-affected shear flows
Mohammad Hosseini, June 2013
Stability and transition of three-dimensional boundary layers
Reza Dadfar, June 2013
Active Control and Reduced-Order Modeling of Transition in Shear Flows
Sasan Sarmast, April 2013
Numerical study on instability and interaction of wind turbine wakes
Enrico Deusebio, June 2012
Numerical Investigation of Rotating and Stratified Turbulence
Karl Håkansson, June 2012
Orientation of elongated particles in shear and extensional flow
Lailai Zhu, June 2012
Numerical investigation of swimming microorganisms in complex environments
Mathias Kvick, June 2012
Hydrodynamic stability and turbulence in fibre suspension flows
Shintaro Imayama, June 2012
Experimental study of the rotating-disk boundary-layer flow
Ylva Odemark, May 2012
Wakes behind wind turbines - Studies on tip vortex evolution and stability
Athanasia Kalpakli, May 2012
Experimental study of turbulent flows through pipe bends
Stevin van Wyk, December 2011
Unsteadiness of blood flow in 90-degree bifurcations
Alexander Sakowitz, December 2011
On the Computation of Turbulent Mixing Processes with Application to EGR in IC-Engines
Joy Klinkenberg, October 2011
Stability analysis of channel flow laden with small particles
Zeinab Pouransari, September 2011
Fundamental studies of non-premixed combustion in turbulent wall jets using direct numerical simulation
Shahab Shahinfar, June 2011
Transitional boundary layers caused by free-stream turbulence
Amin Rasam, May 2011
Explicit algebraic subgrid-scale stress and passive scalar flux modeling in large eddy simulation
Onofrio Semeraro, February 2011
Feedback control and modal structures in transitional shear flows
Oana Marin, February 2011
Quadrature rules for boundary integral methods applied to Stokes flow
A. Holmberg, December 2010
Experimental determination of aeroacoustic sources in low mach number internal flows
Andreas Vallgren, June 2010
Statistical characteristics of two-dimensional and quasigeostrophic turbulence
Tomas Muld, May 2010
Analysis of Flow Structures in Wake Flows for Train Aerodynamics
Florian von Stillfried, December 2009
Computational studies of passive vortex generators for flow control
Johan Ohlsson, December 2009
Spectral-element simulations of turbulent three-dimensional separation in internal flows
David Tempelmann, December 2009
Stability and Receptivity of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers
Charlotte Ahlberg, December 2009
An experimental study of fiber suspensions between counter-rotating discs
Qiang Li, October 2009
Simulations of turbulent boundary layers with heat transfer
Antonios Monokrousos, June 2009
Optimisation and control of boundary layer flows
Bengt Fallenius, May 2009
A new experimental setup for studies on wake flow instability and its control
Outi Tammisola, April 2009
Linear stability of plane wakes and liquid jets: Global and local approach
Lars-Uve Schrader, November 2008
Receptivity of Boundary Layers under Pressure Gradient
Gabriele Bellani, October 2008
Velocity measurements in a fiber suspension flow: formation of a fiber network
Axel Kierkegaard, October 2008
Numerical Investigations of Generation and Propagation of Sound Waves in Low Mach Number Internal Flows
Shervin Bagheri, May, 2008
Stability analysis and control design of spatially developing flows
Tobias Strömgren, March 2008
Modelling of turbulent gas-particle flow
Espen Åkervik, March 2007
Feedback control of spatially evolving flows
Allan Carlsson, February 2007
Orientation of fibres in suspensions flowing over a solid surface
Ola Lögdberg, November 2006
Vortex generators and turbulent boundary layer separation control
Ramis Örlü, October 2006
Experimental study of passive scalar mixing in swirling jet flows