FLOW part of the new Competence Center AdTherM

New 11 VINNOVA Competence Centra will start in January 2024, where universities and companies will jointly conduct research and education in areas that are important for a sustainable industry and digital social transformation.
Among them the Competence Center on "Advanced Computing for Sustainable Thermal Management in Industry (AdTherM)", a national effort involving Lund University/LTH (coordinator), Luleå TU, and KTH - Engineering Mechanics (as co-applicants). The Centre will be coordinated by Lund University (LTH, Coordinator Christer Fureby).
AdTherM is targeting thermal management in industrial processes, e.g., heating, cooling, fluid flow, boiling, melting, and energy recovery, as well as thermochemical and electrochemical energy conversion. The research activities at KTH - Engineering Mechanics within AdTherM will be lead by Lisa Prahl Wittberg and Mihai Mihaescu.
KTH - Engineering Mechanics will receive 10 MSEK from VINNOVA during the first 5 years out of the 36 MSEK (that is the total contribution from VINNOVA to the Centre).
More details about the 11 VINNOVA Centra to start in 2024 can be found here .