National teacher price awarded to Fredrik Lundell
Published Oct 26, 2017The Åforsk price for eminent contributions to engineering education 2012 has been awarded to Fredrik Lundell.
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Mihai Mihaescu and Ramis Örlü have been awarded the Göran Gustafsson prize for young researchers
Published Oct 26, 2017Two FLOW researchers, Mihai Mihaescu and Ramis Örlü have been awarded the Göran Gustafsson prize for young researchers at a ceremony at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm on May 4, 2012.
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Takahiro TSUKAHAR winner of Young Scientist Award
Published Oct 26, 2017Former FLOW researcher Takahiro TSUKAHARA has received a Young Scientist Award from JSME (the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers).
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FLOW paper published in Physical Review Letters
Published Oct 26, 2017The paper 'Self-sustained localized structures in a boundary-layer flow' by Y. Duguet, P. Schlatter, D.S. Henningson and B. Eckhardt, has been published in Physical Review Letters
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Luca Brandt new professor at Dept. of Mechanics
Published Oct 26, 2017For the first time in five years the Department of Mechanics will have a new permanent professor. On the first of May Luca Brandt will be promoted to professor.
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FLOW paper 2nd most downloaded
Published Oct 26, 2017The paper 'A new way to describe the transition characteristics of a rotating-disk boundary-layer flow' by Shintaro Imayama, P. Henrik Alfredsson, and R. J. Lingwood has been the 2nd most downloaded P...
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FLOW PhD projects
Published Oct 26, 2017During the latest FLOW board meeting held on March 26, it was decided to fund the following PhD projects through FLOW core funding:
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FLOW midterm evaluation
Published Oct 26, 2017The Swedish Research Council are presently carrying out the midterm evaluation of the first 20 Linné centres, of which FLOW is one. On February 7 we had a visit by the expert panel for engineering sci...
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Workshop on "Writing for International Publication"
Published Oct 26, 2017The FLOW graduate school together with the Centre for Academic English at Stockholm University organizes a workshop on "Writing for International Publication".
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Three FLOW articles amoung the recent most down-loaded papers in Experiments in Fluids
Jenny Brandefeldt starts on a new position at SKB
Published Oct 26, 2017Jenny Brandefeldt who now has a research associate position at FLOW (at the department of mechanics) has accepted an offer from SKB (Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) for a permanent ...
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FLOW article published in PRL
Published Oct 26, 2017Andreas Vallgren, Enrico Deusebio and Erik Lindborg hypothesize that the observed wave number spectra of kinetic and potential energy in the atmosphere can be explained by assuming that there are two ...
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FLOW researcher Fredrik Lundell is "Teacher of the year" 2011
Published Oct 26, 2017Fredrik Lundell, associate professor at KTH Mechanics, has been awarded the annual "Teacher of the year" award at KTH.
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PRACE Project granted for KTH Mechanics
Published Oct 26, 2017The research project "REFIT" (Rotational effects in turbulence) has been awarded a total of 46 million core hours on the Tier-0 machine in Jülich (Bluegene/P JUGENE).
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Anna-Karin Tornberg new member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Published Oct 26, 2017At the Annual formal gathering of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA), in presence of the king, one of FLOW's researchers, Anna-Karin Tornberg, received the diploma as a newly elected member o...
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FLOW article published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Published Oct 26, 2017For the first time we have found the optimal route to turbulence, and the localized disturbance to a laminar flow that takes that route. We have used optimal control theory to optimize the route to th...
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