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Assoc. prof. Outi Tammisola has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant

Publicerad 2019-09-05

Assoc. prof. Outi Tammisola has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant, starting from March 2020.

The success rate for the prestigious grant was 13 percent with a total of over 3100 applications. In total 14 grants were awarded to Sweden this year, whereof 2 to KTH.

The research project, named MUCUS - Modelling revolUtion for Complex flUid flow over Surfaces and walls, is devoted
to greatly improving understanding and modelling of yield-stress fluids spreading and wetting behaviour, which is a challenging multiscale multiphysics problem with applications ranging from predicting mud slides to ink jet printing.

Outi Tammisola will receive 1.49 million Euros during the next five years. The work will be based on numerical simulations and experimental validation.