FLOW work published as Featured Article in Physics of Fluids
FLOW work highlighted in KTH News
FLOW work featured on the JFM cover page
Prof. Outi Tammisola has received an ERC Consolidator Grant
FLOW PhD among finalists in ERCOFTAC da Vinci competition
FLOW article published as Physics of Fluids Editor’s Pick
Nature article on Sustainable Development Goals
FLOW paper published in Nature Communications
Marco Laudato receives Göran Gustafsson prize for promising young researchers
Invisible face mask developed by FLOW researcher and collaborators
FLOW article published in Nature Communications
FLOW article published in Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
FLOW researcher winner of the 2024 Nobuhide Kasagi Award
FLOW Profs. Henningson and Tornberg appointed as members of KTH’s new Research Committee
FLOW research highlighted in
Research Software Engineer Teams: Organising the Most Advanced Level of User Support at the SeRC Uni
FLOW paper published in Physics Reports
FLOW researcher new member of Young Academy of Science of Spain
FLOW part of the new Competence Center AdTherM
FLOW paper published in Nature Reviews Physics
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