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Journal papers 2012

  1. Alfredsson, P. H., Örlü, R. & Segalini, A. (2012). A new formulation for the streamwise turbulence intensity distribution in wall-bounded turbulent flows. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids, 36, 167-175.
  2. Bagheri, F., Mitra, D., Perlekar, P. & Brandt, L. (2012). Statistics of polymer extensions in turbulent channel flow. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86(5), 056314.
  3. Bagheri, S. (2012). Computational Hydrodynamic Stability and Flow Control Based on Spectral Analysis of Linear Operators. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 19(3), 341-379.
  4. Bagheri, S., Mazzino, A. & Bottaro, A. (2012). Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hinged flapping filament generates lift. Physical Review Letters, 109(15), 154502.
  5. Bellani, G., Byron, M. L., Collignon, A. G., Meyer, C. R. & Variano, E. A. (2012). Shape effects on turbulent modulation by large nearly neutrally buoyant particles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 712, 41-60.
  6. Bodén, H. (2012). One-sided multi-port techniques for characterisation of in-duct samples with nonlinear acoustic properties. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(13), 3050-3067.
  7. Bolin, K., Kedhammar, A. & Nilsson, M. E. (2012). The Influence of Background Sounds on Loudness and Annoyance of Wind Turbine Noise. Acta Acoustica united with Acustica, 98(5), 741-748.
  8. Boyanova, P., Do-Quang, M. & Neytcheva, M. (2012). Efficient Preconditioners for Large Scale Binary Cahn-Hilliard Models. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 12(1), 1-22.
  9. Brethouwer, G., Duguet, Y. & Schlatter, P. (2012). Turbulent-laminar coexistence in wall flows with Coriolis, buoyancy or Lorentz forces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704, 137-172.
  10. Carlson, A., Bellani, G. & Amberg, G. (2012). Universality in dynamic wetting dominated by contact-line friction. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85(4), 045302.
  11. Carlson, A., Bellani, G. & Amberg, G. (2012). Contact line dissipation in short-time dynamic wetting. Europhysics letters, 97(4).
  12. Duguet, Y., Schlatter, P., Henningson, D. S. & Eckhardt, B. (2012). Self-Sustained Localized Structures in a Boundary-Layer Flow. Physical Review Letters, 108(4), 044501.
  13. Fransson, J. & Talamelli, A. (2012). On the generation of steady streamwise streaks in flat-plate boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 698, 211-234.
  14. Haque, S., Lashgari, I., Giannetti, F. & Brandt, L. (2012). Stability of fluids with shear-dependent viscosity in the lid-driven cavity. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 173-174, 49-61.
  15. Hynninen, A., Turunen, R., Åbom, M. & Bodén, H. (2012). Acoustic source data for medium speed IC-engines. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 134(5), 051008.
  16. Ilak, M., Schlatter, P., Bagheri, S. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Bifurcation and stability analysis of a jet in cross-flow: onset of global instability at a low velocity ratio. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 696, 94-121.
  17. Imayama, S., Alfredsson, P. H. & Lingwood, R. J. (2012). A new way to describe the transition characteristics of a rotating-disk boundary-layer flow. Physics of fluids, 24(3), 031701.
  18. Kalpakli, A., Örlü, R. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2012). Dean vortices in turbulent flows: rocking or rolling?. Journal of Visualization, 15(1), 37-38.
  19. Kierkegaard, A., Allam, S., Efraimsson, G. & Åbom, M. (2012). Simulations of whistling and the whistling potentiality of an in-duct orifice with linear aeroacoustics. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5), 1084-1096.
  20. Lashgari, I., Pralits, J. O., Giannetti, F. & Brandt, L. (2012). First instability of the flow of shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids past a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701, 201-227.
  21. Laurantzon, F., Tillmark, N., Alfredsson, H. & Örlü, R. (2012). A flow facility for the characterization of pulsatile flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 26, 10-17.
  22. Laurila, T., Carlson, A., Do-Quang, M., Ala-Nissila, T. & Amberg, G. (2012). Thermohydrodynamics of boiling in a van der Waals fluid. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85(2), 026320.
  23. Lenaers, P., Li, Q., Brethouwer, G., Schlatter, P. & Örlü, R. (2012). Rare backflow and extreme wall-normal velocity fluctuations in near-wall turbulence. Physics of fluids, 24(3), 035110.
  24. Lin, Y., Skjetne, P. & Carlson, A. (2012). A phase field model for multiphase electro-hydrodynamic flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 45, 1-11.
  25. Malm, J., Schlatter, P. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Coherent structures and dominant frequencies in a turbulent three-dimensional diffuser. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 699, 320-351.
  26. Malm, J., Schlatter, P. & Sandham, N. D. (2012). A vorticity stretching diagnostic for turbulent and transitional flows. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 26(6), 485-499.
  27. Marin, O., Gustavsson, K. & Tornberg, A.-K. (2012). A highly accurate boundary treatment for confined Stokes flow. Computers & Fluids, 66, 215-230.
  28. Muld, T., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Mode Decomposition on Surface-Mounted Cube. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 88(3), 279-310.
  29. Muld, T. W., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Mode Decomposition and Slipstream Velocities in the Wake of Two High-Speed Trains. The International Journal of Railway Technology.
  30. Muld, T. W., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Flow structures around a high-speed train extracted using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Computers & Fluids, 57, 87-97.
  31. Pak, S., Zhu, L., Brandt, L. & Lauga, E. (2012). Micropropulsion and microrheology in complex fluids via symmetry breaking. Physics of fluids, 24(10), 103102.
  32. Picano, F. & Hanjalić, K. (2012). Leray-alpha Regularization of the Smagorinsky-Closed Filtered Equations for Turbulent Jets at High Reynolds Numbers. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 89(4), 627-650.
  33. Prahl Wittberg, L., Björkman, M., Khokhar, G., Mohlin, U.-B. -. & Dahlkild, A. (2012). Flow conditions in the grooves of a Low-Consistency refiner. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 27(2), 173-183.
  34. Rehill, B., Walsh, E. J., Brandt, L., Schlatter, P., Zaki, T. A. & McEligot, D. M. (2012). Identifying Turbulent Spots in Transitional Boundary Layers. Journal of turbomachinery, 135(1), 011019.
  35. Sardina, G., Schlatter, P., Brandt, L., Picano, F. & Casciola, C. M. (2012). Wall accumulation and spatial localization in particle-laden wall flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 699, 50-78.
  36. Sardina, G., Schlatter, P., Picano, F., Casciola, C., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Self-similar transport of inertial particles in a turbulent boundary laye. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 706, 584-596.
  37. Schlatter, P. & Örlü, R. (2012). Turbulent boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers: inflow length and tripping effects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710, 5-34.
  38. Schrader, L.-U. -., Mavriplis, C., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Nonlinear receptivity to oblique vortical modes in flow past an elliptic leading edge. Journal of turbulence, 13(25), 1-16.
  39. Schrader, L.-U., Mavriplis, C. & Brandt, L. (2012). Spatial linear disturbances in a plane wall jet. Physics of fluids, 24(5), 054104.
  40. Segalini, A. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2012). Techniques for the Eduction of Coherent Structures from Flow Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Boundary-layer Meteorology, 143(3), 433-450.
  41. Semeraro, O., Bellani, G. & Lundell, F. (2012). Analysis of time-resolved PIV measurements of a confined turbulent jet using POD and Koopman modes. Experiments in Fluids, 53(5), 1203-1220.
  42. Shahinfar, S., Sattarzadeh, S. S., Fransson, J. H. M. & Talamelli, A. (2012). Revival of Classical Vortex Generators Now for Transition Delay. Physical Review Letters, 109(7), 074501.
  43. Strömgren, T., Brethouwer, G., Amberg, G. & Johansson, A. V. (2012). Modelling of turbulent gas-particle flows with focus on two-way coupling effects on turbophoresis. Powder Technology, 224, 36-45.
  44. Tammisola, O. (2012). Oscillatory sensitivity patterns for global modes in wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701, 251-277.
  45. Tammisola, O., Lundell, F. & Söderberg, L. D. (2012). Surface tension-induced global instability of planar jets and wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 713, 632-658.
  46. Tempelmann, D., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. (2012). Spatial optimal growth in three-dimensional compressible boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704, 251-279.
  47. Tempelmann, D., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. (2012). Swept-wing boundary-layer receptivity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 700, 490-501.
  48. Tempelmann, D., Schrader, L.-U., Hanifi, A., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Swept wing boundary-layer receptivity to localized surface roughness. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 711, 516-544.
  49. Tiikoja, H., Rämmal, H., Lavrentjev, J. & Åbom, M. (2012). Investigation of sound reflection from a hot and subsonic flow duct termination. Journal of Sound and Vibration.
  50. Tsuji, Y., Imayama, S., Schlatter, P., Alfredsson, P. H., Johansson, A. ., Marusic, I., . . . Monty, J. (2012). Pressure fluctuation in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer: Results from experiments and DNS. Journal of turbulence, 13(50), 1-19.
  51. von Stillfried, F., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A. V. (2012). Vortex-Generator Models for Zero- and Adverse-Pressure-Gradient Flows. AIAA Journal, 50(4), 855-866.
  52. von Stillfried, F., Wallin, S., Johansson, A. V., Casper, M. & Ortmanns, J. (2012). Evaluation and Parameterization of Round Vortex Generator Jet Experiments for Flow Control. AIAA Journal, 50(11), 2508-2524.
  53. Vuorinen, V., Larmi, M., Schlatter, P., Fuchs, L. & Boersma, B. J. (2012). A low-dissipative, scale-selective discretization scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. Computers & Fluids, 70, 195-205.
  54. Zhu, L., Lauga, E. & Brandt, L. (2012). Self-propulsion in viscoelastic fluids: pushers vs. pullers. Physics of fluids, 24(5), 051902.