Journal papers 2012
- Alfredsson, P. H., Örlü, R. & Segalini, A. (2012). A new formulation for the streamwise turbulence intensity distribution in wall-bounded turbulent flows. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids, 36, 167-175.
- Bagheri, F., Mitra, D., Perlekar, P. & Brandt, L. (2012). Statistics of polymer extensions in turbulent channel flow. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 86(5), 056314.
- Bagheri, S. (2012). Computational Hydrodynamic Stability and Flow Control Based on Spectral Analysis of Linear Operators. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 19(3), 341-379.
- Bagheri, S., Mazzino, A. & Bottaro, A. (2012). Spontaneous symmetry breaking of a hinged flapping filament generates lift. Physical Review Letters, 109(15), 154502.
- Bellani, G., Byron, M. L., Collignon, A. G., Meyer, C. R. & Variano, E. A. (2012). Shape effects on turbulent modulation by large nearly neutrally buoyant particles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 712, 41-60.
- Bodén, H. (2012). One-sided multi-port techniques for characterisation of in-duct samples with nonlinear acoustic properties. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(13), 3050-3067.
- Bolin, K., Kedhammar, A. & Nilsson, M. E. (2012). The Influence of Background Sounds on Loudness and Annoyance of Wind Turbine Noise. Acta Acoustica united with Acustica, 98(5), 741-748.
- Boyanova, P., Do-Quang, M. & Neytcheva, M. (2012). Efficient Preconditioners for Large Scale Binary Cahn-Hilliard Models. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 12(1), 1-22.
- Brethouwer, G., Duguet, Y. & Schlatter, P. (2012). Turbulent-laminar coexistence in wall flows with Coriolis, buoyancy or Lorentz forces. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704, 137-172.
- Carlson, A., Bellani, G. & Amberg, G. (2012). Universality in dynamic wetting dominated by contact-line friction. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85(4), 045302.
- Carlson, A., Bellani, G. & Amberg, G. (2012). Contact line dissipation in short-time dynamic wetting. Europhysics letters, 97(4).
- Duguet, Y., Schlatter, P., Henningson, D. S. & Eckhardt, B. (2012). Self-Sustained Localized Structures in a Boundary-Layer Flow. Physical Review Letters, 108(4), 044501.
- Fransson, J. & Talamelli, A. (2012). On the generation of steady streamwise streaks in flat-plate boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 698, 211-234.
- Haque, S., Lashgari, I., Giannetti, F. & Brandt, L. (2012). Stability of fluids with shear-dependent viscosity in the lid-driven cavity. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 173-174, 49-61.
- Hynninen, A., Turunen, R., Åbom, M. & Bodén, H. (2012). Acoustic source data for medium speed IC-engines. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME, 134(5), 051008.
- Ilak, M., Schlatter, P., Bagheri, S. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Bifurcation and stability analysis of a jet in cross-flow: onset of global instability at a low velocity ratio. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 696, 94-121.
- Imayama, S., Alfredsson, P. H. & Lingwood, R. J. (2012). A new way to describe the transition characteristics of a rotating-disk boundary-layer flow. Physics of fluids, 24(3), 031701.
- Kalpakli, A., Örlü, R. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2012). Dean vortices in turbulent flows: rocking or rolling?. Journal of Visualization, 15(1), 37-38.
- Kierkegaard, A., Allam, S., Efraimsson, G. & Åbom, M. (2012). Simulations of whistling and the whistling potentiality of an in-duct orifice with linear aeroacoustics. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331(5), 1084-1096.
- Lashgari, I., Pralits, J. O., Giannetti, F. & Brandt, L. (2012). First instability of the flow of shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids past a circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701, 201-227.
- Laurantzon, F., Tillmark, N., Alfredsson, H. & Örlü, R. (2012). A flow facility for the characterization of pulsatile flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 26, 10-17.
- Laurila, T., Carlson, A., Do-Quang, M., Ala-Nissila, T. & Amberg, G. (2012). Thermohydrodynamics of boiling in a van der Waals fluid. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 85(2), 026320.
- Lenaers, P., Li, Q., Brethouwer, G., Schlatter, P. & Örlü, R. (2012). Rare backflow and extreme wall-normal velocity fluctuations in near-wall turbulence. Physics of fluids, 24(3), 035110.
- Lin, Y., Skjetne, P. & Carlson, A. (2012). A phase field model for multiphase electro-hydrodynamic flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 45, 1-11.
- Malm, J., Schlatter, P. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Coherent structures and dominant frequencies in a turbulent three-dimensional diffuser. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 699, 320-351.
- Malm, J., Schlatter, P. & Sandham, N. D. (2012). A vorticity stretching diagnostic for turbulent and transitional flows. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 26(6), 485-499.
- Marin, O., Gustavsson, K. & Tornberg, A.-K. (2012). A highly accurate boundary treatment for confined Stokes flow. Computers & Fluids, 66, 215-230.
- Muld, T., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Mode Decomposition on Surface-Mounted Cube. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 88(3), 279-310.
- Muld, T. W., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Mode Decomposition and Slipstream Velocities in the Wake of Two High-Speed Trains. The International Journal of Railway Technology.
- Muld, T. W., Efraimsson, G. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Flow structures around a high-speed train extracted using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Computers & Fluids, 57, 87-97.
- Pak, S., Zhu, L., Brandt, L. & Lauga, E. (2012). Micropropulsion and microrheology in complex fluids via symmetry breaking. Physics of fluids, 24(10), 103102.
- Picano, F. & Hanjalić, K. (2012). Leray-alpha Regularization of the Smagorinsky-Closed Filtered Equations for Turbulent Jets at High Reynolds Numbers. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 89(4), 627-650.
- Prahl Wittberg, L., Björkman, M., Khokhar, G., Mohlin, U.-B. -. & Dahlkild, A. (2012). Flow conditions in the grooves of a Low-Consistency refiner. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 27(2), 173-183.
- Rehill, B., Walsh, E. J., Brandt, L., Schlatter, P., Zaki, T. A. & McEligot, D. M. (2012). Identifying Turbulent Spots in Transitional Boundary Layers. Journal of turbomachinery, 135(1), 011019.
- Sardina, G., Schlatter, P., Brandt, L., Picano, F. & Casciola, C. M. (2012). Wall accumulation and spatial localization in particle-laden wall flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 699, 50-78.
- Sardina, G., Schlatter, P., Picano, F., Casciola, C., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Self-similar transport of inertial particles in a turbulent boundary laye. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 706, 584-596.
- Schlatter, P. & Örlü, R. (2012). Turbulent boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers: inflow length and tripping effects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 710, 5-34.
- Schrader, L.-U. -., Mavriplis, C., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Nonlinear receptivity to oblique vortical modes in flow past an elliptic leading edge. Journal of turbulence, 13(25), 1-16.
- Schrader, L.-U., Mavriplis, C. & Brandt, L. (2012). Spatial linear disturbances in a plane wall jet. Physics of fluids, 24(5), 054104.
- Segalini, A. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2012). Techniques for the Eduction of Coherent Structures from Flow Measurements in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Boundary-layer Meteorology, 143(3), 433-450.
- Semeraro, O., Bellani, G. & Lundell, F. (2012). Analysis of time-resolved PIV measurements of a confined turbulent jet using POD and Koopman modes. Experiments in Fluids, 53(5), 1203-1220.
- Shahinfar, S., Sattarzadeh, S. S., Fransson, J. H. M. & Talamelli, A. (2012). Revival of Classical Vortex Generators Now for Transition Delay. Physical Review Letters, 109(7), 074501.
- Strömgren, T., Brethouwer, G., Amberg, G. & Johansson, A. V. (2012). Modelling of turbulent gas-particle flows with focus on two-way coupling effects on turbophoresis. Powder Technology, 224, 36-45.
- Tammisola, O. (2012). Oscillatory sensitivity patterns for global modes in wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 701, 251-277.
- Tammisola, O., Lundell, F. & Söderberg, L. D. (2012). Surface tension-induced global instability of planar jets and wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 713, 632-658.
- Tempelmann, D., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. (2012). Spatial optimal growth in three-dimensional compressible boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 704, 251-279.
- Tempelmann, D., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. (2012). Swept-wing boundary-layer receptivity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 700, 490-501.
- Tempelmann, D., Schrader, L.-U., Hanifi, A., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2012). Swept wing boundary-layer receptivity to localized surface roughness. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 711, 516-544.
- Tiikoja, H., Rämmal, H., Lavrentjev, J. & Åbom, M. (2012). Investigation of sound reflection from a hot and subsonic flow duct termination. Journal of Sound and Vibration.
- Tsuji, Y., Imayama, S., Schlatter, P., Alfredsson, P. H., Johansson, A. ., Marusic, I., . . . Monty, J. (2012). Pressure fluctuation in high-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer: Results from experiments and DNS. Journal of turbulence, 13(50), 1-19.
- von Stillfried, F., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A. V. (2012). Vortex-Generator Models for Zero- and Adverse-Pressure-Gradient Flows. AIAA Journal, 50(4), 855-866.
- von Stillfried, F., Wallin, S., Johansson, A. V., Casper, M. & Ortmanns, J. (2012). Evaluation and Parameterization of Round Vortex Generator Jet Experiments for Flow Control. AIAA Journal, 50(11), 2508-2524.
- Vuorinen, V., Larmi, M., Schlatter, P., Fuchs, L. & Boersma, B. J. (2012). A low-dissipative, scale-selective discretization scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. Computers & Fluids, 70, 195-205.
- Zhu, L., Lauga, E. & Brandt, L. (2012). Self-propulsion in viscoelastic fluids: pushers vs. pullers. Physics of fluids, 24(5), 051902.