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Journal papers 2013

  1. Alfredsson, P. H., Imayama, S., Lingwood, R. J., Örlü, R. & Segalini, A. (2013). Turbulent boundary layers over flat plates and rotating disks-The legacy of von Karman: A Stockholm perspective. European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids, 40, 17-29.
  2. Augier, P. & Lindborg, E. (2013). A New Formulation of the Spectral Energy Budget of the Atmosphere, with Application to Two High-Resolution General Circulation Models. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 70(7), 2293-2308
  3. Bailey, S., Hultmark, M., Monty, J., Alfredsson, P.H., Chong, M., Duncan, R., Fransson, J. H. M., Hutchins, N., Marusic, I., McKeon, B. J., Nagib, H.M., Örlü, R., Segalini, A. S., Smits, A. J., Vinuesa, R. (2013). Obtaining accurate mean velocity measurements in high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers using Pitot tubes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 715, 642-670
  4. Berger, M., Brandefelt, J. & Nilsson, J. (2013). The sensitivity of the Arctic sea ice to orbitally induced insolation changes: a study of the mid-Holocene Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project 2 and 3 simulations. Climate of the Past, 9(2), 969-982.
  5. Bodin O., Wang Y., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. (2013). LES of the Exhaust Flow in a Heavy-Duty Engine. Oil and Gas Science and Technology –Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, doi: 10.2516/ogst/2013117
  6. Camarri, S., Fallenius, B. E. G. & Fransson, J. H. M. (2013). Stability analysis of experimental flow fields behind a porous cylinder for the investigation of the large-scale wake vortices. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 715, 499-536
  7. Castro, I. P., Segalini, A. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2013). Outer-layer turbulence intensities in smooth- and rough-wall boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 727, 119-131
  8. Croze, O. A., Sardina, G., Ahmed, M., Bees, M. A. & Brandt, L. (2013). Dispersion of swimming algae in laminar and turbulent channel flows: consequences for photobioreactors. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10(81), 20121041
  9. Dadfar, R., Semeraro, O., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. S. (2013). Output Feedback Control of Blasius Flow with Leading Edge Using Plasma Actuator. AIAA Journal, 51(9), 2192-2207
  10. Deusebio, E., Vallgren, A. & Lindborg, E. (2013). The route to dissipation in strongly stratified and rotating flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 720, 66-103
  11. Duguet, Y. & Schlatter, P. (2013). Oblique laminar-turbulent interfaces in plane shear flows. Physical Review Letters, 110(3), 034502
  12. Duguet, Y., Monokrousos, A., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. S. (2013). Minimal transition thresholds in plane Couette flow. Physics of fluids, 25(8), 084103.
  13. El Khoury, G., Schlatter, P., Noorani, A., Fischer, P.F., Brethouwer, G. & Johansson, A.V. (2013) Direct numerical simulationof turbulent pipe flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 91, 475-495. doi:10.1007/s10494-013-9482-8
  14. Engblom, S., Do-Quang, M., Amberg, G. & Tornberg, A.-K. (2013). On diffuse interface modeling and simulation of surfactants in two-phase fluid flow. Communications in Computational Physics, 14(4), 879-915.
  15. Grigoriev, I., Wallin, S., Brethouwer, G. & Johansson, A.V. (2013 ) A realizable explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model for compressible turbulent flow with significant mean dilatation.  Phys. Fluids., 25, 105112. doi:10.1063/1.4825282
  16. Gualtieri, P., Picano, F., Sardina, G. & Casciola, C. M. (2013). Clustering and turbulence modulation in particle-laden shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 715, 134-162
  17. Håkansson, K. M. O., Kvick, M., Lundell, F., Prahl Wittberg, L. & Söderberg, L. D. (2013). Measurement of width and intensity of particle streaks in turbulent flows. Experiments in Fluids, 54(6), 1555
  18. Hosseini, S. M., Tempelmann, D., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. S. (2013). Stabilization of a swept-wing boundary layer by distributed roughness elements. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 718, R1
  19. Imayama, S., Alfredsson, P. H. & Lingwood, R. J. (2013). An experimental study of edge effects on rotating-disk transition. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 716, 638-657
  20. Kalpakli, A. & Örlü, R. (2013). Turbulent pipe flow downstream a 90 degrees pipe bend with and without superimposed swirl. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM), JUN 06-08, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41, 103-111
  21. Khapko, T., Kreilos, T., Schlatter, P., Duguet, Y., Eckhardt, B. & Henningson, D. S. (2013). Localized edge states in the asymptotic suction boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 717, R6
  22. Klinkenberg, J., Sardina, G., de Lange, H. C. & Brandt, L. (2013). Numerical study of laminar-turbulent transition in particle-laden channel flow. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 87(4), 043011.
  23. Kvick, M., Lundell, F., Prahl Wittberg, L. & Söderberg, D. (2013). Effect of fibrils on curvature- and rotation-induced hydrodynamic stability. Acta Mechanica, 224(10), 2249-2261
  24. Lazeroms, W., Brethouwer, G., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A. (2013). An explicit algebraic Reynolds-stress and scalar-flux model for stably stratified flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 723, 91-125
  25. Magaletti, F., Picano, F., Chinappi, M., Marino, L. & Casciola, C. M. (2013). The sharp-interface limit of the Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes model for binary fluids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 714, 95-126.
  26. Mihaescu M., Mylavarapu G., Gutmark E.J., Powell N. (2011). Large Eddy Simulation of the Pharyngeal Airflow associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome at Pre and Post-surgical Treatment. J. of Biomechanics, 44 (12), 2221-2228
  27. Mylavarapu, G., Mihaescu, M., Fuchs, L., Papatziamos, G. & Gutmark, E. (2013). Planning human upper airway surgery using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Journal of Biomechanics, 46(12), 1979-1986.
  28. Nakamura, Y., Carlson, A., Amberg, G. & Shiomi, J. (2013). Dynamic wetting at the nanoscale. Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 88(3), 033010
  29. Noorani, A., El Khoury, G. K. K. & Schlatter, P. (2013). Evolution of turbulence characteristics from straight to curved pipes. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM), JUN 06-08, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41(SI), 16-26.
  30. Nowbahar, A., Sardina, G., Picano, F. & Brandt, L. (2013). Turbophoresis attenuation in a turbulent channel flow with polymer additives. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 732, 706-719.
  31. Pastuhoff, M., Yorita, D., Asai, K. & Alfredsson, P.H. 2013 Enhancing signal-to-noise ratio of pressure sensitive paint data by singular value decomposition. Meas. Sci. Technol. 24, 075301.
  32. Powell N., Mihaescu M., Mylavarapu G., Weaver E.M., Guilleminault C., Gutmark E.J. (2011). Patterns in Pharyngeal Airflow Associated with Sleep-Disordered Breathing.Sleep Medicine, 12: 966-974
  33. Örlü, R. & Schlatter, P. (2013). Comparison of experiments and simulations for zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers at moderate Reynolds numbers. Experiments in Fluids, 54(6), 1547
  34. Picano, F., Breugem, W.-P., Mitra, D. & Brandt, L. (2013). Shear Thickening in Non-Brownian Suspensions: An Excluded Volume Effect. Physical Review Letters, 111(9), 098302
  35. Pouransari, Z., Vervisch, L. & Johansson, A. V. (2013). Heat release effects on mixing scales of non-premixed turbulent wall-jets: A direct numerical simulation study. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 40, 65-80
  36. Pralits, J. O., Giannetti, F. & Brandt, L. (2013). Three-dimensional instability of the flow around a rotating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 730, 5-18
  37. Prasianakis, N. I., Rosén, T., Kang, J., Eller, J., Mantzaras, J. & Büchi, F. N. (2013). Simulation of 3D porous media flows with application to polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Communications in Computational Physics, 13(3), 851-866
  38. Rasam, A., Brethouwer, G. & Johansson, A. V. (2013). An explicit algebraic model for the subgrid-scale passive scalar flux. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 721, 541-577.
  39. Sakowitz A., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. (2013). Effects of velocity ratio and inflow pulsations on the flow in a T-junction by Large Eddy Simulation. Computers and Fluids, 88: 374-385.
  40. Sakowitz A., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. (2013). Turbulent Flow Mechanisms in Mixing T-junctions by Large Eddy Simulations. Accepted for publication International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 19.06.2013.
  41. Sakowitz A., Reifarth S., Mihaescu M., Fuchs L. (2013). Modeling of EGR Mixing in an Engine Intake Manifold using LES. Oil and Gas Science and Technology –Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, doi: 10.2516/ogst/2013118
  42. Segalini, A. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2013). A simplified vortex model of propeller and wind-turbine wakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 725, 91-116
  43. Segalini, A., Fransson, J. H. M. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2013). Scaling Laws in Canopy Flows: A Wind-Tunnel Analysis. Boundary-layer Meteorology, 148(2), 269-283
  44. Segalini, A., Örlü, R. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2013). Uncertainty analysis of the von Kármán constant. Experiments in Fluids, 54(2), 1460.
  45. Semeraro, O., Bagheri, S., Brandt, L. & Henningson, D. (2013). Transition delay in a boundary layer flow using active control. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 731, 288-311.
  46. Semeraro, O., Pralits, J. O., Rowley, C. W. & Henningson, D. S. (2013). Riccati-less approach for optimal control and estimation: an application to two-dimensional boundary layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 731, 394-417.
  47. Shahinfar, S., Fransson, J. H. M., Sattarzadeh, S. S. & Talamelli, A. (2013). Scaling of streamwise boundary layer streaks and their ability to reduce skin-friction drag. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 733, 1-32
  48. Suryadi, A., Tillmark, N. & Alfredsson, P.H. 2013 Velocity measurements of streamwise roll cells in rotating plane Couette flow. Exp. Fluids 54, 1617.
  49. Talamelli, A., Segalini, A., Örlü, R. & Buresti, G. (2013). A note on the effect of the separation wall in the initial mixing of coaxial jets. Experiments in Fluids, 54(3), 1483
  50. Talamelli, A., Segalini, A., Örlü, R., Schlatter, P. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2013). Correcting hot-wire spatial resolution effects in third- and fourth-order velocity moments in wall-bounded turbulence. Experiments in Fluids, 54(4), 1496
  51. Troiani, G., Battista, F. & Picano, F. (2013). Turbulent consumption speed via local dilatation rate measurements in a premixed bunsen jet. Combustion and Flame, 160(10), 2029-2037
  52. van Wyk, S., Prahl Wittberg, L. & Fuchs, L. (2013). Wall shear stress variations and unsteadiness of pulsatile blood-like flows in 90-degree bifurcations. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43(8), 1025-1036
  53. von Stillfried, F., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A. V. (2013). Statistical Vortex-Generator-Jet Model for Turbulent Flow Separation Control. AIAA Journal, 51(5), 1119-1129
  54. Wallin, S., Grundestam, O. & Johansson, A. V. (2013). Laminarization mechanisms and extreme-amplitude states in rapidly rotating plane channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 730, 193-219
  55. Weng, C., Boij, S. & Hanifi, A. (2013). The attenuation of sound by turbulence in internal flows. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 133(6), 3764-3776
  56. Zhang, F., Dahlkild, A. A. & Lundell, F. (2013). Nonlinear disturbance growth during sedimentation in dilute fibre suspensions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 719, 268-294