Journal papers 2023
M. Ahn et al.,
"Large-eddy simulations of flow and aeroacoustics of twin square jets including turbulence tripping,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 6, 2023.
C. Amor et al.,
"Higher-order dynamic mode decomposition on-the-fly : A low-order algorithm for complex fluid flows,"
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 475, 2023.
A. Andreolli et al.,
"Separating large-scale superposition and modulation in turbulent channels,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 958, 2023.
M. Atzori et al.,
"A new perspective on skin-friction contributions in adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers,"
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 101, 2023.
M. Atzori et al.,
"High-resolution simulations of a turbulent boundary layer impacting two obstacles in tandem,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 6, 2023.
J. Bagge och A.-K. Tornberg,
"Fast Ewald summation for Stokes flow with arbitrary periodicity,"
Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 493, s. 112473, 2023.
M. Beneitez Galan et al.,
"Instability of the optimal edge trajectory in the Blasius boundary layer,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 971, 2023.
G. Brethouwer,
"Comment on "Turbulence Statistics of Arbitrary Moments of Wall-Bounded Shear Flows : A Symmetry Approach","
Physical Review Letters, vol. 130, no. 6, 2023.
G. Brethouwer,
"Strong dissimilarity between heat and momentum transfer in rotating Couette flows,"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 205, 2023.
T. Coelho Leite Fava et al.,
"Influence of free-stream turbulence on the boundary layer stability of a wind turbine airfoil and near wake,"
Journal of Physics, Conference Series, vol. 2505, no. 1, s. 012002-012002, 2023.
T. Coelho Leite Fava et al.,
"Numerical study of the hydrodynamic stability of a wind-turbine airfoil with a laminar separation bubble under free-stream turbulence,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 8, 2023.
M. Crialesi-Esposito et al.,
"Intermittency in turbulent emulsions,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 972, 2023.
M. Crialesi-Esposito, S. Chibbaro och L. Brandt,
"The interaction of droplet dynamics and turbulence cascade,"
Communications Physics, vol. 6, no. 1, 2023.
A. Dahlkild,
"Particle orientation distribution in a rotating, dilute suspension of rod-shaped particles,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 954, 2023.
L. De Vincentiis et al.,
"Effects of Upstream Wakes on the Boundary Layer Over a Low-Pressure Turbine Blade,"
Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 145, no. 5, 2023.
R. Deshpande et al.,
"Reynolds-number effects on the outer region of adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 12, 2023.
B. Feneuil et al.,
"Experimental and numerical investigation of bubble migration in shear flow : Deformability-driven chaining and repulsion,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 6, 2023.
F. Fiusco et al.,
"Effect of low rate ratio and positioning on a lighthouse tip ECMO return cannula,"
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2023.
F. Fiusco et al.,
"Numerical and experimental investigation of a lighthouse tip drainage cannula used in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,"
Artificial Organs, vol. 47, no. 2, s. 330-341, 2023.
A. Fuchs et al.,
"Assessment of Rheological Models Applied to Blood Flow in Human Thoracic Aorta,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 11, 2023.
A. Geetha Balasubramanian et al.,
"Predicting the wall-shear stress and wall pressure through convolutional neural networks,"
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 103, 2023.
A. Geetha Balasubramanian et al.,
"Direct numerical simulation of a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer with passive scalars up to Prandtl number Pr=6,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 974, 2023.
R. Gojon och M. Mihaescu,
"Impact of an Adjacent Surface on a Rectangular Overexpanded Supersonic Jet,"
Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2023.
L. Guastoni et al.,
"Deep reinforcement learning for turbulent drag reduction in channel flows,"
The European Physical Journal E Soft matter, vol. 46, no. 4, 2023.
G. Hasanuzzaman et al.,
"Enhancement of PIV measurements via physics-informed neural networks,"
Measurement science and technology, vol. 34, no. 4, 2023.
R. Hu, S. Dong och R. Vinuesa,
"General attached eddies : Scaling laws and cascade self-similarity,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 4, 2023.
K. Kato, R. J. Lingwood och P. H. Alfredsson,
"Rotating disks and cones- a centennial of von Kármán’s 1921 paper,"
JOURNAL OF FLUID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 18, no. 1, s. JFST0003-JFST0003, 2023.
M. Khan et al.,
"Rheology of concentrated fiber suspensions with a load-dependent friction coefficient,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 4, 2023.
M. Khan et al.,
"Rheology of dense fiber suspensions : Origin of yield stress, shear thinning, and normal stress differences,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 6, 2023.
V. Kleine, A. Hanifi och D. S. Henningson,
"Non-iterative vortex-based smearing correction for the actuator line method,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 961, 2023.
F. Kraxberger et al.,
"On the Alignment of Acoustic and Coupled Mechanic-Acoustic Eigenmodes in Phonation by Supraglottal Duct Variations,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 12, 2023.
R. A. Kulkarni et al.,
"Experimental studies of dynamic compression of cellulose pulp fibers,"
Sustainable Materials and Technologies, vol. 38, 2023.
F. Larosa et al.,
"Halting generative AI advancements may slow down progress in climate research,"
Nature Climate Change, vol. 13, no. 6, s. 497-499, 2023.
M. Laudato och M. Mihaescu,
"Analysis of the contact critical pressure of collapsible tubes for biomedical applications,"
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, vol. 36, no. 1, s. 217-228, 2023.
M. Laudato, R. Mosca och M. Mihaescu,
"Buckling critical pressures in collapsible tubes relevant for biomedical flows,"
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023.
S. Le Clainche et al.,
"Improving aircraft performance using machine learning : A review,"
Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 138, 2023.
P. Li, M. Laudato och M. Mihaescu,
"Time-Dependent Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations of a Simplified Human Soft Palate,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 11, 2023.
M. Lu et al.,
"Dynamic Buckling of a Filament Impacted by a Falling Droplet,"
Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, no. 18, 2023.
F. Mallor et al.,
"Bayesian Optimization of Wall-Normal Blowing and Suction-Based Flow Control of a NACA 4412 Wing Profile,"
Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2023.
A. Martinez Sanchez et al.,
"Causality analysis of large-scale structures in the flow around a wall-mounted square cylinder,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 967, 2023.
Á. Martínez Sánchez et al.,
"Data-driven assessment of arch vortices in simplified urban flows,"
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 100, 2023.
D. Massaro et al.,
"Global stability of 180-bend pipe flow with mesh adaptivity,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 11, 2023.
D. Massaro, A. Peplinski och P. Schlatter,
"Coherent structures in the turbulent stepped cylinder flow at ReD=5000,"
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 102, s. 109144, 2023.
D. Massaro, A. Peplinski och P. Schlatter,
"The flow around a stepped cylinder with turbulent wake and stable shear layer,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 977, 2023.
D. Massaro, S. Rezaeiravesh och P. Schlatter,
"On the potential of transfer entropy in turbulent dynamical systems,"
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023.
G. R. McPherson et al.,
"The commonly overlooked environmental tipping points,"
Results in Engineering (RINENG), vol. 18, s. 101118, 2023.
O. Nasir et al.,
"Artificial intelligence and sustainable development goals nexus via four vantage points,"
Technology in society, vol. 72, 2023.
H. Nobis et al.,
"Modal laminar-turbulent transition delay by means of topology optimization of superhydrophobic surfaces,"
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 403, 2023.
H. Nobis et al.,
"Topology optimization of Superhydrophobic Surfaces to delay spatially developing modal laminar–turbulent transition,"
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 104, 2023.
N. Offermans et al.,
"Error-driven adaptive mesh refinement for unsteady turbulent flows in spectral-element simulations,"
Computers & Fluids, vol. 251, s. 105736, 2023.
P. Olad et al.,
"Comparison of turbulent drop breakup in an emulsification device and homogeneous isotropic turbulence : Insights from numerical experiments,"
Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 657, s. 130569, 2023.
L. P. Parker et al.,
"What's going on in the left common iliac artery?,"
Journal of Vascular Surgery, vol. 77, no. 1, s. 314-315, 2023.
R. Pozuelo et al.,
"Spectra of near-equilibrium adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023.
M. Rahmani et al.,
"Stochastic model for predicting the shape of flexible fibers in suspensions,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023.
S. Rezaeiravesh, T. Mukha och P. Schlatter,
"Efficient prediction of turbulent flow quantities using a Bayesian hierarchical multifidelity model,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 964, 2023.
J. Rickman et al.,
"Investment suitability and path dependency perpetuate inequity in international mitigation finance toward developing countries,"
One Earth, vol. 6, no. 10, s. 1304-1314, 2023.
E. Rosenberg et al.,
"Sentiment analysis on Twitter data towards climate action,"
Results in Engineering (RINENG), vol. 19, 2023.
N. Scapin, A. D. Demou och L. Brandt,
"Evaporating Rayleigh-Benard convection : prediction of interface temperature and global heat transfer modulation,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 957, 2023.
S. Shukla et al.,
"Inertial particles in superfluid turbulence : Coflow and counterflow,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 1, s. 015153, 2023.
E. Sundström et al.,
"Blood Speckle Imaging : An Emerging Method for Perioperative Evaluation of Subaortic and Aortic Valvar Repair,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 10, 2023.
E. Sundström och M. Laudato,
"Machine Learning-Based Segmentation of the Thoracic Aorta with Congenital Valve Disease Using MRI,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 10, 2023.
E. Sundström och J. T. Tretter,
"Impact of Variation in Commissural Angle between Fused Leaflets in the Functionally Bicuspid Aortic Valve on Hemodynamics and Tissue Biomechanics,"
Bioengineering, vol. 10, no. 10, 2023.
C. Vignon, J. Rabault och R. Vinuesa,
"Recent advances in applying deep reinforcement learning for flow control : Perspectives and future directions,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 3, 2023.
C. Vignon et al.,
"Effective control of two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection : Invariant multi-agent reinforcement learning is all you need,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 6, 2023.
R. Vinuesa, S. L. Brunton och B. J. McKeon,
"The transformative potential of machine learning for experiments in fluid mechanics,"
Nature Reviews Physics, vol. 5, no. 9, s. 536-545, 2023.
T. Wei et al.,
"The mean wall-normal velocity in turbulent boundary layer flows under pressure gradient,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 975, 2023.
S. Yada et al.,
"Rapid wetting of shear-thinning fluids,"
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 8, no. 4, 2023.
J. Yang et al.,
"Prediction of equivalent sand-grain size and identification of drag-relevant scales of roughness : a data-driven approach,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 975, 2023.
S. Yimprasert et al.,
"Effects of polymer addition on transition and length scales of flow structures in transitional channel flow,"
A. Yousefi et al.,
"On the role of inertia in channel flows of finite-size neutrally buoyant particles,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 955, 2023.
M. Z. Yousif et al.,
"Optimizing flow control with deep reinforcement learning : Plasma actuator placement around a square cylinder,"
Physics of fluids, vol. 35, no. 12, 2023.
M. Z. Yousif et al.,
"A deep-learning approach for reconstructing 3D turbulent flows from 2D observation data,"
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023.
M. Z. Yousif et al.,
"A transformer-based synthetic-inflow generator for spatially developing turbulent boundary layers,"
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 957, 2023.