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Journal papers 2021

L. I. Abreu et al., "Spanwise-coherent hydrodynamic waves around flat plates and airfoils," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 927, 2021.
M. Alizadehgiashi et al., "Multifunctional 3D-Printed Wound Dressings," ACS Nano, vol. 15, no. 7, s. 12375-12387, 2021.
M. Atzori et al., "Intense Reynolds-stress events in turbulent ducts," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 89, 2021.
J. Bagge et al., "Parabolic velocity profile causes shape-selective drift of inertial ellipsoids," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 926, 2021.
A. A. Banaei, A. Shahmardi och L. Brandt, "Numerical study of suspensions of nucleated capsules at finite inertia," Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 4, 2021.
I. Banerjee et al., "Analogue tuning of particle focusing in elasto-inertial flow," Meccanica (Milano. Print), vol. 56, no. 7, s. 1739-1749, 2021.
G. Brethouwer, "Much faster heat/mass than momentum transport in rotating Couette flows," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 912, 2021.
P. P. C. Brito et al., "Experimental control of Tollmien-Schlichting waves using pressure sensors and plasma actuators," Experiments in Fluids, vol. 62, no. 2, 2021.
S. Brizzolara et al., "Fiber Tracking Velocimetry for Two-Point Statistics of Turbulence," Physical Review X, vol. 11, no. 3, 2021.
I. Cannon et al., "The effect of droplet coalescence on drag in turbulent channel flows," Physics of fluids, vol. 33, no. 8, 2021.
F. Castellani et al., "Aerodynamic Analysis of a Wind-Turbine Rotor Affected by Pitch Unbalance," Energies, vol. 14, no. 3, 2021.
C. ,. I. Chan, P. Schlatter och R. C. Chin, "Interscale transport mechanisms in turbulent boundary layers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 921, 2021.
E. Chaparian och O. Tammisola, "Sliding flows of yield-stress fluids," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 911, 2021.
S. Chen, R. Gojon och M. Mihaescu, "Flow and aeroacoustic attributes of highly-heated transitional rectangular supersonic jets," Aerospace Science and Technology, vol. 114, no. 106747, 2021.
C. Chicchiero, A. Segalini och S. Camarri, "Triple-deck analysis of the steady flow over a rotating disk with surface roughness," Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021.
T. Coelho Leite Fava et al., "A simplified model for transition prediction applicable to wind-turbine rotors," Wind Energy Science, vol. 6, no. 3, s. 715-736, 2021.
P. Costa, L. Brandt och F. Picano, "Near-wall turbulence modulation by small inertial particles," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 922, 2021.
F. Dalla Barba et al., "An interface capturing method for liquid-gas flows at low-Mach number," Computers & Fluids, vol. 216, 2021.
L. De Vincentiis, D. S. Henningson och A. Hanifi, "Transition in an infinite swept-wing boundary layer subject to surface roughness and free-stream turbulence," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 931, 2021.
M. Dellacasagrande et al., "Statistical characterization of free-stream turbulence induced transition under variable Reynolds number, free-stream turbulence, and pressure gradient," Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics : Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol. 33, no. 9, s. 094115-094115, 2021.
K. Djurovic, "Free-stream Turbulence in Low-Pressure Turbines," Journal of turbomachinery, 2021.
K. Durovic et al., "Free-Stream Turbulence-Induced Boundary-Layer Transition in Low-Pressure Turbines," Journal of turbomachinery, vol. 143, no. 8, 2021.
S. Dybe et al., "Design and Experimental Characterization of a Swirl-Stabilized Combustor for Low Calorific Value Gaseous Fuels," Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power, vol. 144, no. 2, 2021.
H. Eivazi et al., "Recurrent neural networks and Koopman-based frameworks for temporal predictions in a low-order model of turbulence," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 90, 2021.
M. Ferro, B. E. G. Fallenius och J. H. M. Fransson, "Experimental study on turbulent asymptotic suction boundary layers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 915, 2021.
F. Fiusco, L. M. Broman och L. Prahl Wittberg, "Blood pumps for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation : Platelet activation during different operating conditions," ASAIO journal (1992), vol. Publish Ahead of Print, 2021.
D. Fraggedakis, E. Chaparian och O. Tammisola, "The first open channel for yield-stress fluids in porous media," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 911, 2021.
Z. Ge et al., "Irreversibility and rate dependence in sheared adhesive suspensions," Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 10, 2021.
H. H. Goh och R. Vinuesa, "Regulating artificial-intelligence applications to achieve the sustainable development goals," Discover Sustainability, vol. 2, no. 1, 2021.
V. K. Gowda et al., "Formation of colloidal threads in geometrically varying flow-focusing channels," Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 11, 2021.
L. Guastoni et al., "Convolutional-network models to predict wall-bounded turbulence from wall quantities," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 928, 2021.
C. Hedenqvist, M. Romero och R. Vinuesa, "Improving the Learning of Mechanics Through Augmented Reality," Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 2021.
S. D. J. Helvig et al., "A comparison of lab-scale free rotating wind turbines and actuator disks," Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 209, 2021.
C. -. Hsu et al., "Roughness-dependent clogging of particle suspensions flowing into a constriction," Soft Matter, vol. 17, no. 31, s. 7252-7259, 2021.
D. Izbassarov et al., "Polymer drag reduction in surfactant-contaminated turbulent bubbly channel flows," Physical Review Fluids, vol. 6, no. 10, 2021.
D. Izbassarov et al., "Effect of finite Weissenberg number on turbulent channel flows of an elastoviscoplastic fluid," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 927, 2021.
K. Kato et al., "Instability and transition in the boundary layer driven by a rotating slender cone," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 915, 2021.
J. S. Kern et al., "Transient linear stability of pulsating Poiseuille flow using optimally time-dependent modes," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 927, 2021.
S. Lee et al., "Predicting drag on rough surfaces by transfer learning of empirical correlations," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 933, 2021.
J. Lemétayer, L. M. Broman och L. Prahl Wittberg, "Flow Dynamics and Mixing in Extracorporeal Support : A Study of the Return Cannula," Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 9, 2021.
G. M. Majal, L. Prahl Wittberg och M. Mihaescu, "Particle behavior in a turbulent flow within an axially corrugated geometry," Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 13, no. 8, 2021.
M. W. Nashed, T. Elnady och M. Åbom, "The effect of reflections in power-based models for sound in ducts," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), vol. 30, 2021.
W. Naude och R. Vinuesa, "Data deprivations, data gaps and digital divides : Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic," Big Data and Society, vol. 8, no. 2, 2021.
P. Negi, A. Hanifi och D. S. Henningson, "On the onset of aeroelastic pitch-oscillations of a NACA0012 wing at transitional Reynolds numbers," Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 105, 2021.
P. Negi, A. Hanifi och D. S. Henningson, "Unsteady Response of Natural Laminar Flow Airfoil Undergoing Small-Amplitude Pitch Oscillations," AIAA Journal, vol. 59, no. 8, s. 2868-2877, 2021.
P. A. S. Nogueira et al., "Forcing statistics in resolvent analysis : application in minimal turbulent Couette flow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 908, 2021.
S. Pasche, F. Avellan och F. Gallaire, "Vortex impingement onto an axisymmetric obstacle - subcritical bifurcation to vortex breakdown," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 910, 2021.
S. Rezaeiravesh, R. Vinuesa och P. Schlatter, "On numerical uncertainties in scale-resolving simulations of canonical wall turbulence," Computers & Fluids, vol. 227, s. 1-21, 2021.
S. Rezaeiravesh, R. Vinuesa och P. Schlatter, "UQit: A Python package for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in computational fluid dynamics (CFD)," Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 6, no. 60, s. 1-3, 2021.
M. E. Rosti, P. Mirbod och L. Brandt, "The impact of porous walls on the rheology of suspensions," Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 230, 2021.
K. Rönnberg och C. Duwig, "Heat transfer and associated coherent structures of a single impinging jet from a round nozzle," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 173, 2021.
S. Schmidt et al., "Global stability and nonlinear dynamics of wake flows with a two-fluid interface," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 915, 2021.
A. Segalini, "An analytical model of wind-farm blockage," Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 13, no. 3, s. 033307, 2021.
A. Segalini och M. Chericoni, "Boundary-layer evolution over long wind farms," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 925, 2021.
A. Shahmardi et al., "A fully Eulerian hybrid immersed boundary-phase field model for contact line dynamics on complex geometries," Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 443, s. 110468-110468, 2021.
A. Shahmardi et al., "Effects of surface nanostructure and wettability on pool boiling : A molecular dynamics study," International journal of thermal sciences, vol. 167, 2021.
M. Stuck et al., "Spectral-Element Simulation of the Turbulent Flow in an Urban Environment," Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 14, 2021.
Y. Sudhakar et al., "Higher-Order Homogenized Boundary Conditions for Flows Over Rough and Porous Surfaces," Transport in Porous Media, vol. 136, no. 1, s. 1-42, 2021.
J. Sundin et al., "A Soft Material Flow Sensor for Micro Air Vehicles," Soft Robotics, vol. 8, no. 2, s. 119-127, 2021.
J. Sundin, S. Zaleski och S. Bagheri, "Roughness on liquid-infused surfaces induced by capillary waves," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 915, 2021.
R. Vinuesa och B. Sirmacek, "Interpretable deep-learning models to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals," Nature Machine Intelligence, vol. 3, no. 11, s. 926-926, 2021.
M. H. Wong et al., "Wavepacket modelling of broadband shock-associated noise in supersonic jets," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 918, 2021.
S. Yimprasert et al., "Flow visualization and skin friction determination in transitional channel flow," Experiments in Fluids, vol. 62, no. 2, 2021.
A. Yousefi et al., "Regimes of heat transfer in finite-size particle suspensions," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 177, s. 121514-121514, 2021.
M. Åbom och S. Jacob, "A comment on the correct boundary conditions for the Cremer impedance," JASA Express Letters, vol. 1, no. 2, 2021.