FLOW paper among finalists for best student paper award at EUCASS
FLOW paper among Editor’s picks ( Physics of Fluids)
FLOW researchers’ work published in Nature Climate Change
FLOW researchers in a new Marie Curie Doctoral Network
FLOW articles among ten most read JFM papers (Feb. 2023)
FLOW research highlighted in Swedish media
Prof. Shervin Bagheri receives ERC Consolidator Grant
FLOW student receives AFMC2022 student prize
Prof. Dan Henningson elected as Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
Prof. Luca Brandt receives Ferrari Panetti Award
FLOW student receives ICAS student prize
FLOW researchers in media
FLOW researcher coordinating EU project on air trafic optimisation
FLOW paper among the top ten most read JFM articles (July 2022)
FLOW paper highlighted in a Scilight article
FLOW paper in Nature Computational Science
FLOW researchers successful in the recent EuroHPC calls for centres of excellence
Daniele Massaro receives Tetra Pak Award
FLOW researcher receives fund from Marie Curie Doctoral Network
FLOW paper in ACS Nano
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