VR grants to FLOW researchers
Swedish aeronautics research on hydrogen-powered aircraft
Daniel Söderberg appointed as professor
Prof. Shervin Bagheri new member of The Young Academy of Sweden
Prof. Dan Henningson Treasurer of the IUTAM organisation
FLOW papers among the most cited Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow articles
'The research infrastructure is threatened'
Published Jul 17, 2020In a recent opinion piece published in Svenska Dagbladet (SVD) members of Council for Research Infrastructures (RFI), including Prof. Henningson, alert public about low governmental contribution to th...
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Assoc. Prof. Ricardo Vinuesa receives Illinois Tech 2020 Outstanding Young Alumnus Award.
Three Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN to FLOW reserchers
Published May 27, 2020At the latest call of H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) three projects involving FLOW researchers, in a hard competition, have been granted funding by EU.
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Dr. Ricardo Vinuesa winner of Göran Gustafssons prize for young researchers, 2020
Dr. Ramis Örlü has joined the Editorial Advisory Board of Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
FLOW paper published in PRL (Jan. 2020)
Published Jan 13, 2020The paper 'Critical Point for Bifurcation Cascades and Featureless Turbulence’ by FLOW researchers J. Canton, E. Rinaldi, R. Örlü and P. Schlatter has been published Physical Review Letter.
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FLOW paper on AI published in Nature Communications
Published Jan 13, 2020An international team of scientists, led by Ricardo Vinuesa, has released a first-ever study of how AI can help – as well as hinder – sustainable development worldwide.
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Sara Zahedi appointed as Wallenberg Academy Fellow
Published Dec 19, 2019Assoc. Prof. Sara Zahedi is one of the two KTH researches who have been elected as Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2019.
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Prof. Henningson member of strategic Advisory Committee at the University of Oslo
Published Dec 08, 2019Prof. Dan Henningson has been chosen as one of four foreign members of a strategic Advisory Committee at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN-SAC) at the University of Oslo.
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Prof. Henningson appointed as a member of RFI
Published Nov 26, 2019Prof. Dan Henningson has been appointed as a member of The Swedish Research Council's Council for Research Infrastructures, RFI.
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FLOW M.Sc. thesis among winners of Vattenfall Award for best Master Thesis 2019
Published Nov 22, 2019Robert Braunbehrens, a student who did his M.Sc. thesis at the Fluid Physics Laboratory, KTH Mechanics has been awarded first place and 25 kSEK in the Vattenfall award for the best master thesis withi...
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Dr. Mehdi Niazi Ardekani winner of ERCOFTAC da Vinci Prize 2019
Published Oct 14, 2019Former FLOW PhD student Mehdi Niazi Ardekani has won the ERCOFTAC da Vinci Prize for his PhD thesis ’Numerical study of transport phenomena in particle suspensions'.
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FLOW article published in Angewandte Chemie
Published Oct 10, 2019FLOW researchers Nitesh Mittal, Korneliya Gordeyeva and Daniel Söderberg along with the collaborators from Wallenberg Wood Science Center at KTH and DESY in Germany have published an article in Angewa...
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Prof. Lingwood elected as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
Published Sep 30, 2019Prof. Rebecca Lingwood has been elected as Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng).
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