Great success for FLOW researchers in the latest call of ERC Consolidator Grants
FLOW research work on cover of Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Can fluid mechanics research help Sweden win more medals in the Winter Olympics?
Rodelåkaren Svante Kohala i labbet på KTH. (Foto: Swesliding) Published Feb 09, 2022Read the article -
Two FLOW articles among most read JFM papers, Jan. 2022
Assoc. prof. Michael Liverts has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant
Lisa Prahl Wittberg appointed as professor
Six FLOW researchers receive VR funding
Interpretable deep-learning models to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Improving the Learning of Mechanics Through Augmented Reality
FLOW PhD among ERCOFTAC da Vinci Student Award finalists
FLOW contribution to Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
FLOW article featured in AIP Scilight
FLOW article featured in a Focus on Fluids paper
Gunilla Svensson, guest professor of Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Schlatter guest at Turbulence at the exascale podcast
'What I learnt from 700 e-mail applications’
FLOW researcher interviewed for report on impact of AI on climate change
Ricardo Vinuesa appointed as the new Vice Director of the KTH Digitalization Platform
Mihai Mihaescu appointed as professor in Fluid Mechanics
Assoc. Prof. Ricardo Vinuesa interviewed by Swedish Radio on AI
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