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Conference papers 2011

  1. Bodén H. 2011, Polyharmonic Distortion Modelling Applied to Acoustic Characterisation of Peforates. 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2011, Portland, USA.
  2. Alfredsson, P.H., Tillmark, N. & Tsukahara, T. 2011 Spanwise rotation effects on shear flows. EUROMECH Colloqium 525, 21-23 June, Ecully, France, pp. 23-24 (invited talk).
  3. Alfredsson, P. H., Örlü, R. & Segalini, A. (2011) A new formulation for the streamwise turbulence intensity distribution. Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, September 12–15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland.
  4. Bodén H. 2011, Experimental Techniques for Aeroacoustics in Low Mach Number Confined Flows. Keynote Presentation. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 18-20 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  5. Bodén H. 2011, Study of nonlinear energy transfer for perforated wall treatment using acoustic source characterisation techniques. ICSV18, 10-14 July 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  6. Brethouwer, G., Duguet, Y., Schlatter, P. 2011 Turbulent-laminar coexistence in stratified open channel flow. Proc. Int. Symp. on Stratified Flows, Rome, Italy, August 22 - 26, 2011.
  7. Brethouwer, G., Schlatter, P. & Johansson, A.V. 2011 Effects of rapid spanwise rotation on turbulent channel flow with a passive scalar. In proc. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, July 28-31, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  8. Brethouwer, G., Schlatter, P. & Johansson, A.V. 2011 Turbulence, instabilities and passive scalars in rotating channel flow. In Advances in Turbulence XIII, Proc. 13th EUROMECH ETC Conference, Sept. 12-15, 2011, Warzaw, Poland.
  9. Camarri, S., Fransson, J. H. M. & Fallenius, B. E. G. 2011 Stability and sensitivity analysis of experimental flow fields measured past a porous cylinder. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland.  
  10. Deusebio, E., Schlatter, P., Brethouwer, G., Lindborg, E. 2011 Direct numerical simulations of stratified open-channel flows. J. Phys.: Conference Series, Proceedings of the 13th European turbu- lence conference.
  11. Duguet, Y. & Schlatter, P., Stochastic motion of a laminar/turbulent interface in a shear flow. In K. Bajer, editor, European Turbulence Conference ETC-13, Warsaw, 2011.
  12. Fallenius, B. E. G. & Fransson, J. H. M 2011 Experiments on a bluff body wake with varying inlet conditions. Svenska mekanikdagarna, Göteborg, June 13-15.
  13. Fallenius, B. E. G., Renzo, T. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Measurements in a bluff body wake with variable inlet conditions. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland. 
  14. Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Advanced Fluid Research On Drag reduction In Turbulence Experiments - AFRODITE. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland.  
  15. Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Advanced Fluid Research On Drag reduction in Turbulence Experiments - AFRODITE-. Svenska mekanikdagarna, Göteborg, June 13-15.
  16. Fransson, J. H. M., Fallenius, B. E. G., Shahinfar, S., Sattarzadeh, S. S. & Talamelli, A. 2011 Advanced Fluid Research On Drag reduction In Turbulence Experiments - AFRODITE. EUROMECH, 13th European Turbulence Conference, Sept. 12-15, Warsaw.
  17. Fransson, J. H. M. & Talamelli, A. 2011 Base flow modulations for skin-friction drag reduction. EUROMECH, 13th European Turbulence Conference, Sept. 12-15, Warsaw.
  18. Imayama, S., Alfredsson, P.H. & Lingwood, R.J. 2011 An experimental study of laminar- turbulent transition of a rotating-disk flow. EUROMECH Colloqium 525, 21-23 June, Ecully, France, pp. 29-30.
  19. Kalpakli, S., Örlü, R., Tillmark, N. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2011) Pulsating turbulent flow through pipe bends: from an internal combustion engine perspective. Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, September 12–15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland.
  20. Lenaers, P., Li, Q., Brethouwer, G., Schlatter, P., Örlü, R. 2011 Negative streamwise ve- locities and other rare events near the wall in turbulent flows. J. Phys.: Conference Series, Proceedings of the 13th European turbulence conference.
  21. J. Malm, P. Schlatter, and N. D. Sandham. A vorticity stretching diagnostic for turbulent flows. In J. K. Eaton, R. Friedrich, A. V. Johansson, N. Kasagi, H. J. Sung, and S. Tavoularis, editors, Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, 2011.
  22. Monokrousos, A. Brandt, L., Schrader L.-U., Mavriplis C., Henningson D.S., Optimal disturbances of flow above a flat plate with an elliptic leading edge, Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.
  23. Odemark, Y. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 An experimental study on wake evolution and trailing vortex instabilities. Proceedings of Wake Conference, Visby, June 8-10.  
  24. Odemark, Y. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 An experimental study on tip vortex instabilities and breakdown. Svenska mekanikdagarna, Göteborg, June 13-15.  
  25. Odemark, Y. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Wake evolution and trailing vortex instabilities. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland.  
  26. Ohlsson, J., Schlatter, P., Mavriplis, C. & Henningson, D.S., The spectral-element method and the pseudo-spectral method – a comparative study. In E. Rønquist, edi- tor, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 459–467. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  27. Ohlsson, J., Schlatter, P., Fischer, F. & Henningson, D.S., Stabilization of the spectral-element method in turbulent flow simulations. In E. Rønquist, editor, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pages 449–458. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2011.
  28. Pouransari, Z. & Johansson, A.V. 2011 Numerical investigation of wall heat transfer in turbulent reacting wall jets. In proc. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, July 28-31, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  29. Rasam, A., Brethouwer, G., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A.V. 2011 Stochastic and non-stochastic explicit algebraic models for LES. In proc. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, July 28-31, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  30. Sardina G., Brandt L., Schlatter P., Casciola, C. M., Henningson D. S., Transport of inertial particles in turbulent boundary layers”, to be presented at European Turbulence Conference 13, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011.
  31. Sattari, A., Fallenius, B. E. G., Fransson, J. H. M. & Sandberg, M. 2011 PIV Visualisation study in a two-dimensional room model with rapid time varying ventilation flow rates. ROOMVENT The 12th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms, June. 19-22, Trondheim.
  32. Sattarzadeh, S. S., Shahinfar, S., Fallenius, B. E. G., Fransson, J. H. M. & Talamelli, A. 2011 Transition delay by means of base flow modulations. Svenska mekanikdagarna, Göteborg, June 13-15.
  33. Sattarzadeh, S. S., Shahinfar, S., Fallenius, B. E. G., Fransson, J. H. M. & Talamelli, A. 2011 Transition delay by means of base flow modulations. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland. 
  34. Schrader, L.-U., Mavriplis, C., Brandt, L., Henningson D.S 2011, Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7. July 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  35. Segalini, A., Fransson, J. H. M., Dahlberg, J.-Å. & Alfredsson, P.H. 2011 Gust structure and generation in canopy flows. EWEA conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 14-17.
  36. Segalini, A., Fransson, J.H.M. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2011) An experimental analysis of canopy flows. Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Journal of Physics: Confer- ence Series, September 12–15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland.
  37. Shahinfar, S. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Effect of free-stream turbulence characteristics on boundary layer transition. EUROMECH, 13th European Turbulence Conference, Sept. 12-15, Warsaw.
  38. Shahinfar, S. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Free-stream turbulence boundary layer transition. Svenska mekanikdagarna, Göteborg, June 13-15.
  39. Shahinfar, S. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 Natural by-pass boundary layer transition. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, Baltimore, Maryland.  
  40. Schlatter, P., Örlü, R, Li, Q, Brethouwer, G., Johansson, A.V. , Alfredsson, P.H. & Henningson, D.S. 2011 Progress in simulations of turbulent boundary layers. In proc. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, July 28-31, 2011, Ottawa, Canada.
  41. Schlatter, P. & Örlü, R., Turbulent asymptotic suction boundary layers studied by simulation. In K. Bajer, editor, European Turbulence Conference ETC-13, Warsaw, 2011.
  42. Schrader, L.-U., Mavriplis, C., Brandt, L., Henningson D.S.-”Nonlinear receptivity to oblique vortical modes in flow past an elliptic leading edge”, to be presented at Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 7, Ottawa, Canada, July 2011.
  43. Schrader L.-U., Tempelmann, D., Brandt, L., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D.S., 2011. Excitation of cross-flow vortices by surface roughness on a swept wing. Proc. CASI AERO 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  44. Stillfried, F. v., Kkesi, T., Wallin, S. & Johansson, A.V. 2011 Modelling vortex generator jets for turbulent flow separation control. In Advances in Turbulence XIII, Proc. 13th EUROMECH ETC Conference, Sept. 12-15, 2011, Warzaw, Poland.
  45. Talamelli, A. & Fransson, J. H. M. 2011 High amplitude streaks in boundary layers: a new passive mechanism for transition delay. 4th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 4-8, 2011.
  46. Talamelli, A., Segalini, A., Örlü, R., Schlatter, P. & Alfredsson, P. H., (2011) A method to correct statistical
  47. moments in turbulent flows. Proc. 13th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, September 12–15, 2011, Warsaw, Poland.
  48. Tempelmann D., Schrader L.-U., Hanifi, A., Brandt L., Henningson D.S., Numerical study of boundary-layer receptivity on a swept wing”, AIAA Paper 2011-3294, 6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference 27 - 30 June 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  49. Tempelmann D., Schrader L.-U., Hanifi, A., Brandt L. & Henningson D.S., 2011. Modelling roughness and receptivity in three-dimensional boundary- layers. Proc. 7th TSFP conference.
  50. Örlü, R. & Schlatter, P., Inflow length and tripping effects in turbulent boundary layers. In K. Bajer, editor, European Turbulence Conference ETC-13, Warsaw, 2011.