Conference papers 2015
- Agarwal, A., Brandt, L. & Zaki, T. A. (2015). Transition to Turbulence in Viscoelastic Channel Flow. In: Procedia IUTAM: . Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 519-526). Elsevier.
- Appelquist, E., Schlatter, P., Alfredsson, P. H. & Lingwood, R. J. (2015). Investigation of the Global Instability of the Rotating-disk Boundary Layer. In: Procedia IUTAM: . Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 321-328). Elsevier.
- Eriksson, O., Nilsson, K., Breton, S.-P. & Ivanell, S. (2015). Large-eddy simulations of wind farm production and long distance wakes. In: WAKE CONFERENCE 2015: . Paper presented at Wake Conference, JUN 09-11, 2015, Visby, SWEDEN. , 625, Article ID 012022.
- Fransson, J. H. M. (2015). Transition to Turbulence Delay Using a Passive Flow Control Strategy. In: Procedia IUTAM: . Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 385-393). Elsevier.
- Hosseini, S. M., Hanifi, A. & Henningson, D. S. (2015). Effect of Freestream Turbulence on Roughness-induced Crossflow Instability. In Procedia IUTAM. Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 303-310). Elsevier.
- Lashgari, I., Picano, F., Breugem, W.-P. -. & Brandt, L. (2015). Transition to Turbulence in the Presence of Finite Size Particles. In Procedia IUTAM. Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 211-217). Elsevier.
- Paredes, P., Hanifi, A., Theofilis, V. & Henningson, D. S. (2015). The Nonlinear PSE-3D Concept for Transition Prediction in Flows with a Single Slowly-varying Spatial Direction. In Procedia IUTAM. Paper presented at 8th IUTAM-ABCM Symposium on Laminar Turbulent Transition, LTT 2014, 8 September 2014 through 12 September 2014 (pp. 36-44). Elsevier.
- Peplinski, A., Schlatter, P. & Henningson, D. S. (2015). Investigations of stability and transition of a jet in crossflow using DNS. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows, held in Prato, Italy, from 4-6 September 2013. (pp. 7-18). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 107.
- Sack, S. (2015). Comparison of the Scattering of An operating and a quiescent Fan. Paper presented at FAN 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FAN NOISE, TECHNOLOGY AND NUMERICAL METHODS. 15 April 2015 - 17 April 2015, Lyon, France. .
- Sack, S. & Mats, Å. (2015). Uncertainty estimation in multi-port measurements. Paper presented at EuroNoise2015, the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering,Maastricht, Holland, May 31 - June 3. .
- Segalini, A., Arnqvist, J., Carlen, I., Bergstrom, H. & Alfredsson, P. H. (2015). A spectral model of stably stratified surface-layer turbulence. Paper presented at Wake Conference, JUN 09-11, 2015, Visby, SWEDEN. , 625, Article ID 012003.