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Conference papers 2012

  1. Alfredsson, P.H., & Örlü, R., 2012 A new way to determin the wall position and friction velocity in wall-bounded turbulent flows. Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV, Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence, Sep, 19-23, 2012, 181-185, Bertinoro, Italy
  2. Alfredsson, P.H., Örlü, R., & Segalini, A., 2012 The quest for the von Karman constant, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov, 18-20, San Diego, US
  3. EI Khoury, G.K., Noorani, A., Schlatter, P., Brethouser, G., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 Direct numerical simulation of pipe flows at moderately high Reynolds numbers. Proc 9th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  4. Kalpakli, A., & Örlü, R., 2012 Experimental investigation on the secondary motion downstream a pipe bend with and without swirl. Proc 9th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  5. Kalpakli, A., Örlü, R., Tillmark, N., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 Experimental investigation on the effect of pulsations on exhaust manifold-related flows aiming at improved engine efficiency. 10th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging (iMechE), May. 15-16, 2012, 377-387, London, UK
  6. Kakpakli, A., Örlü, R., Tillmark, N., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 The characteristics of turbulence in curved pipes under high pulsatile flow conditions, Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence V, Sep 30 - Oct 3, Bertinoro, Italy
  7. Kampers, G., Holling, M., Segalini, A., & Peinke, J., 2012 Effects of wire length on hot-wire measurements in turbulent flows, Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence V, Sep 30 - Oct 3, Bertinoro, Italy
  8. Laurantzon, F., Örlü, R., Segalini, A., Tillmark, N., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 Experimental analysis of turbocharger interaction with a pulsatile flow through time-resolved flow measurements upstream and downstream the turbine. 10th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging (iMechE), May. 15-16, 2012, 404-415, London, UK
  9. Lazeroms, W.M.J., Brethouwer, G., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 Explicit algebraic models for statified flows, Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  10. Mala, B., Mihaescu, M., Kastner, J.F., & Gutmark, E.J., 2012 Proper orthogonal decomposition on LES and PIV data sets from a Mach 0.9 Jet, AIAA paper, AIAA-2012-1228, 2012
  11. Malm, J., Schlatter, P., Henningson, D.S., Schrader, L.-U & Mavriplis, C., 2012 Spectral element simulation of flow around a surface-mounted square-section cylinder, CFDSC 2012 Challenge, Canadian Society for CFD, 2012
  12. Mihaescu, M., Kastner, J.F., & Gutmark, E.J., 2012 Tertiary flow effects on a co-axial ducted jet, AIAA paper, AIAA-2012-0064, 2012
  13. Mihaescu, M., Semlitsch, B., Fuchs, L., & Gutmark, E.J., 2012 Airframe installation effects on the jet exhausting a coaxial nozzle system of a gas turbine engine, ASME paper, GT2012-69631, 2012
  14. Mihaescu, M., Semlitsch, B., Fuchs, L., & Gutmark, E.J., 2012 Assessment of turbulence models for predicting coaxial jets relevant to turbofan engines, Proc. of the 15th international conference on fluid flow technologies, Vol,II, ISBN 978-963-08-4587, 2012
  15. Noorani, A., EI Khoury, G., & Schlatter, P., 2012 Evolution of turbulence characteristics from straight to curved pipes. Proc 9th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  16. Odemark, Y., & Segalini, A., 2012 A wind tunnel study on the effects of forest turbulence on wind turbine outputs. EAWE conference "The science of making torque from wind, Oct. 9-11, 2012, Oldenburg, Germany
  17. Pouransari, Z., Vervisch, L., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 Analysis of combustion modelling tools using DNS of a non-premixed turbulent wall-jet. In Proc. of Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7 Sep. 24-27, 2012, Palermo
  18. Pouransari, Z., Biferale, L., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 Higher order moments of velocity fluctuations and their gradients in turbulent wall-jets. Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence V, Sep 30 - Oct 3, Bertinoro, Italy
  19. Rasam, A., Brethouwer, G., Wallin, S., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 Explicit algebraic subgrid-scale models for LES. Proc 9th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  20. Sardina, G., Schlatter, P., Picano, F., Casciola, C.M., Brandt, L., & Henningson, D.S., 2012 Statistics of particle accumulation in spatially developing turbulent boundary layers. In Proc. of Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7 Sep. 24-27, 2012, Palermo
  21. Schlatter, P., & EI Khoury, G.K., 2012 Turbulent flow in pipes. PDC Newsletter, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden
  22. Segalini, A., Alfredsson, P.H., Dellwik, E., Arnqvist, J., & Bergstrom, H., 2012 Velocity statistics and spectra over a forested site measured with a tall mast, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov, 18-20, San Diego, US
  23. Sattarzadeh, S.S., Ferro, M., Örlü, R., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 Revisiting the near-wall scaling of the streamwise variance in turbulent pipe flows, Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence V, Sep 30 - Oct 3, Bertinoro, Italy
  24. Segalini, A., Fransson, J.H.M., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 Turbulent structures in canopy flows, Euromech colloquium "Wind Energy and the impact of turbulence on the conversion process", Feb. 22-24, 2012, Oldenburg, Germany
  25. Segalini, A., Örlü, R., Castro, I.P., & Alfredsson, P.H., 2012 The streamwise turbulence intensity-a comparison between smooth and rough wall turbulent boundary layers, Proc. iTi Conference on Turbulence V, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2012 Bertinoro, Italy
  26. Stillfried, F. V., Wallin, S., & Johansson, A.V., 2012 A novel modelling approach for vortex generator jet flow separation control, AIAA paper, 50th Aerospace Science Meeting, Jan 2012, Bertinoro, Italy
  27. Talamelli, A., Örlü, R., & Segalini, A., 2012 Effect of the seperation wall in the mixing properties of coaxial jets. Proc 9th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM9), Jun. 6-8, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
  28. Örlü, R., & Schlatter, P., 2012 Turbulent boundary layer flow: comparing experiments with DNS, Progrerss in turbulence and wind energy IV, Springer, Proceedings of Physics