Conference papers 2020
Conference papers 2020
A. Peplinski et al.,
"12th International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods, ICOSAHOM 2018 : Pressure preconditioning and parallel performance,"
i Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, 2020, s. 599-609.
C. Zhan et al.,
"Accumulation of motile microorganisms in turbulence,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
M. Kozul et al.,
"Aerodynamically-driven rupture of a liquid film by turbulent shear flow,"
i 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2020, 2020.
N. Tabatabaei et al.,
"An effective method to reduce wall interference in subsonic wind tunnels,"
i The 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2020.
A. Rasam et al.,
"An explicit algebraic subgrid-scale scalar variance model,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
M. Bäbler et al.,
"Breakup of small aggregates in bounded and unbounded turbulent flows,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
Y. Shen, N. Jaouen och C. Duwig,
"Characterization of Dynamics in a Premixed Flame,"
i ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 2020, s. 191-197.
G. Troiani et al.,
"Curvature and velocity strain dependencies of burning speed in a turbulent premixed jet flame,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
F. Mallor et al.,
"Design and setup of a wing model in the Minimum-Turbulence-Level wind tunnel,"
i The 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2020.
E. Deusebio et al.,
"Direct numerical investigation of the stably-stratified Ekman layer,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
F. Picano, B. Wim-Paul och B. Luca,
"DNS of turbulent channel flows laden with finite-size particles at high volume fractions,"
i 14th European Turbulence Conference, ETC 2013, 2020.
S. Chen, R. Gojon och M. Mihaescu,
"Effect of an Adjacent Flat Plate on a Highly-Heated Rectangular Supersonic Jet,"
i AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020.
S. M. Hosseini, A. Hanifi och D. S. Henningson,
"Effects of freestream turbulence on crossflow instabiltiy,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
G. Sardina et al.,
"Effects of polymer additives on turbophoresis in a turbulent channel flow,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
W. Lazeroms et al.,
"Explicit algebraic models for turbulent flows with buoyancy effects,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
A. Segalini, P. Monkewitz och J. Rüedi,
"Extended theory of oil film interferometry for skin friction measurement,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
S. Le Clainche, M. E. Rosti och L. Brandt,
"Flow structures and shear-stress predictions in the turbulent channel flow over an anisotropic porous wall,"
i Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 2020, s. 012016.
K. Durovic et al.,
"Free-stream turbulence induced boundary-layer transition in low-pressure turbines,"
i Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2020.
C. Saglietti et al.,
"Heat transfer maximization in a three dimensional conductive differentially heated cavity by means of topology optimization,"
i Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics : Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems, ECCM 2018 and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2018, 2020, s. 3258-3269.
Z. Pouransari, L. Biferale och A. V. Johansson,
"Higher order moments of passive and reacting scalars and their gradients in turbulent wall-jets,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
Y. -. Heo, J. -. Ih och H. Bodén,
"Identification of a rotating sound source in a duct with high spatial resolution,"
i Euronoise 2015, 2020, s. 2273-2278.
N. Shahriari, A. Hanifi och D. S. Henningson,
"Interaction of acoustic waves and roughness elements in a three-dimensional boundary layer,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
N. Offermans, A. Peplinski och P. Schlatter,
"Mesh Optimization Using Dual-Weighted Error Estimators : Application to the Periodic Hill,"
i ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 2020, s. 397-403.
M. Karp et al.,
"Optimization of Tensor-product Operations in Nekbone on GPUs,"
i The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, 2020, 2020.
A. Tanarro, R. Vinuesa och P. Schlatter,
"Power-Spectral Density in Turbulent Boundary Layers on Wings,"
i ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 2020, s. 11-16.
L. Guastoni et al.,
"Prediction of wall-bounded turbulence from wall quantities using convolutional neural networks,"
i Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 2020, s. 012022.
A. G. Pietroniro et al.,
"Propagation and Reflection Properties of Computational Setups for Radial Compressor Direct Noise Computation,"
i Forum Acusticum, 2020.
U. Orrenius, L. Feng och M. Åbom,
"Rail vehicle source models within a virtual certification process,"
i Euronoise 2015, 2020, s. 2043-2048.
V. Venkataraman et al.,
"Resistance Wire Thermometers for Temperature Pulse Measurements on Internal Combustion Engines,"
i SMSI 2020 Conference-Sensor and Measurement Science International, 2020.
A. Cimarelli et al.,
"Scalings of the outer energy source of wall-turbulence,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
C. Amor et al.,
"Soft Computing Techniques to Analyze the Turbulent Wake of a Wall-Mounted Square Cylinder,"
i 14th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, SOCO 2019, 2020, s. 577-586.
H. Bodén och R. Kabral,
"The effect of high temperatures and grazing flow on the acoustic properties of liners,"
i Euronoise 2015, 2020, s. 2261-2266.
G. Eitel-Amor, R. Örlü och P. Schlatter,
"The significance of hairpin vortices in turbulent boundary layers,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
E. Appelquist et al.,
"Transition to turbulence in the rotating-disk boundary layer,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
G. Brethouwer et al.,
"Turbulence and cyclic bursts in rotating channel flow,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.
G. K. El Khoury et al.,
"Turbulent pipe flow : New DNS data and large-scale structures,"
i ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference, 2020.