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Conference papers 2014

  1. Eitel-Amor, G., Flores, O. & Schlatter, P. (2014). Hairpin vortices in turbulent boundary layers. Paper presented at 1st Multiflow Summer Workshop; Madrid; Spain; 10 June 2013 through 12 July 2013. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 506(1), 012008.
  2. El Khoury, G. K., Schlatter, P., Brethouwer, G. & Johansson, A. V. (2014). Turbulent pipe flow: Statistics, Re-dependence, structures and similarities with channel and boundary layer flows. Paper presented at 1st Multiflow Summer Workshop; Madrid; Spain; 10 June 2013 through 12 July 2013. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 506(1), 012010.
  3. Hanifi A., Hein S., Romano D.G., Minervino M. , Würz W., Borodulin V.I., Ivanov A.V., Kachanov Y.S. (2014). Numerical and experimental realization of an infinite-swept-wing boundary-layer flow in a wind tunnel. Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Methods of Aerophysical Research (ICMAR), June 30–July 6, 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia.
  4. Kalpakli Vester, A., Örlü, R., Alfredsson, P.H. (2014). Turbulent pipe flow downstream a 90 degree bend: curvature ratio effects. Proc 10th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM10), Marbelle, Spain, Sept. 17-19, 2014.
  5. Kametani, K., Fukagata, K., Örlü, R., Schlatter, P. (2014). Drag reduction in turbulent boundary layers: Effect of uniform blowing and suction. Proc 10th Int. ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modeling and Measurements (ETMM10), Marbelle, Spain, Sept. 17-19, 2014.
  6. Kametani, K., Örlü, R., Schlatter, P., Fukagata, K. (2014). Friction reduction in spatially evolving turbulent boundary layers: Effects of uniform blowing and suction. IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows, Goa, India, Dec. 15–18, 2014.
  7. Kumar, J.K., Semlitsch, B., Mihaescu, M., Fuchs, L.F., Gutmark, E., Gancedo, G.M. (2014). Numerical Flow Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor with Ported and without Ported Shroud. SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition. 
  8. Rosén, T., Lundell, F., Do-Quang, M., Aidun, C. K. (2014). Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations in equilibrium state of a spheroidal particle suspended in shear flow. WCCM XI - ECCM V - ECFD VI, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
  9. Sarmast, S., Chivaee, H. S., Ivanell, S. & Mikkelsen, R. F. (2014). Numerical investigation of the wake interaction between two model wind turbines with span-wise offset. Paper presented at 5th Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference, TORQUE 2014; Copenhagen; Denmark. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 524(1).
  10. Schlatter, P., Canton, J.C., Örlü, R. (2014). Linear stability of the flow in a toroidal pipe. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 23–25, 2014, San Francisco, CA.
  11. Semlitsch, B., Laurendeau, L.E., Mihaescu, M. (2014). Steady-state and unsteady simulations of a high velocity jet into a Venturi shaped pipe. SME 4th Joint U.S. - European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Chicago, 2014.
  12. Semlitsch, B., Mihaescu, M. (2014). Consequence of sub-grid scale modeling onto the prediction of acoustic noise emission. 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI). 
  13. Vernet, J., Örlü, R., Alfredsson, P.H., Elofsson, P.A. (2014). Flow separation delay on trucks A-pillars by means of Dielectric Barrier Discharge actuation. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Num. and Exp. Aerodyn. Road Vehicles and Trains, AEROVEHICLES 1, Bordeaux, France, June 23-25, 2014.
  14. Vernet, J., Örlü, R., Alfredsson, P.H. (2014). On the pulsating electric wind of a Single Dielectric Barrier Discharge (SDBD) plasma actuator. 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 23–25, 2014, San Francisco, CA.